5 Stages of a Spanking

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There are 5 stages a person typically experiences during the delivery of a thorough spanking, each of which are detrimental to the success of the event. The stages are the same as those of grief and are as follows: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.


I walked into CeCelia's room to find her laying on her bed texting and immediately felt my level of irritation rise. It wasn't until I shut her bedroom door behind me, admittedly harder than needed, that she even bothered to acknowledge my presence.

"What?" She spat not even bothering to look up from her phone.

I raised a brow in her direction. "Excuse me? After your disappearing act last night and the performance you just put on downstairs you have the audacity to cop an attitude with me right now?"

~Denial- convinced that their actions are justified, showing no remorse~

"It wasn't like I was out partying all night, I came home and studied. Besides I never agreed to stay at Cat's in the first place, I was dumped there because you and Joe decided you had better things to do." I watched Cee send another text before tossing the phone to her bedside table and sitting up to glare in my direction. "Last time I checked I was your responsibility, not Cat's. She may be your baby momma but that is where her involvement in this family ends."

I glared in her direction. "Watch it Cecelia! You, Miss, are skating on some very thin ice right now."

"And you, SIR, need to get your priorities straight." Cee spat back as I took a step closer to her.

"Second warning Cecelia." My eyes went wide as she smirked and shook her head.

"It isn't the fact that I came home and studied last night that has you so pissed, I think it's that you know I am right."

"Cecelia, phone now!"

"What? Why? No!"

She stammered as I held my hand out to her. "One, two . . ."

~Anger: lashing out, angry, feeling a victim of wrongdoing for being punished~

Throwing her phone in my direction, she folded her arms over her chest in a pout. "This is so stupid! I didn't even do anything!"

I cocked a brow in her direction, "You disobeyed our instruction to stay with Cat and took off in the middle of the night..."

"Ten o'clock is hardly the middle of the night!"

"Then you stay here all night with no supervision," I continued counting off infractions on my fingers.

"I am sixteen years old! I don't need a babysitter!"

I took a deep breath trying to reign in my temper. "What you NEED CeCelia is to learn to follow instruction. I don't care if you think we are being unreasonable or if you think you are old enough to stay home alone, that is not your call, it is ours. You do not make the rules, we do. I realize that you are angry with me but that does not give you right to lash out at Cat, you were extremely rude and disrespectful and you WILL apologize. Understood?" She barely had the chance to fully roll her eyes before I was reaching for my belt. "Lay over the bed."

The smirk that had been painted across my baby sister's face since I had entered her room quickly faded.

There was a standard protocol when it came to belt punishments at home, a routine if you will. Belt spankings start around the age of 9 or 10, the offender recieves one lick for each year of age; said licks were delivered leaning over a desk chair. This is the way belt punishments have always been handled in our house, the way we were all raised. There are however very rare occasions when the 'old standard' just isn't enough to get the offender to the point of remorse, on these occasions there is an entirely different protocol. There is no set number of licks, the punishment is simply administered for as long as it takes for them to regret their actions and submit to the punishment being administered. CeCelia knew of but had yet to be privy to one of these special spankings, that is until today. She stood stoic whether in defiance or fear I am not sure.

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