Haunted House- Dier & Dele

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A/N: I didn't write this. My friend did a Halloween week on tumblr and she allowed me to steal it

'Did you hear that' Yn jumped closer to Dele grabbing his arm.

Both Eric and Dele looked at eachother and gave an amused look at one another, as Yn was making sure she was behind Dele incase a ghost decided to be violent.

'Yn this house isn't haunted' Eric gave her a small smile, which wasn't really comforting her.

The three of them were in a Old Victorian castle house which was highly likely to be haunted. As soon as you walked in you noticed how cold it was as how the hairs on your neck stood up. The three of you got a short straw as Craig Mitch and England YouTube thought it would be funny to put their stars in a haunted house, to welcome the Halloween spirit. Everyone voted for Dier, Dele and Yn because they were known for their good friendship.

'No? So I'm the only one who can see the little girl stood by the door?' The women's footballer asked casually.

The two practically jumped out their skin as Dele hid behind her while Eric tried to shield the two of them like a protective family. Craig who was setting up everything couldn't help but chuckle at the three of them.

'Not haunted that's why you are both scared shitless' she muttered.

Suddenly one of the butlers appeared making the three of you jump, making Craig laugh again. Knowing that this video is going to be good from how scared you were.

The three of them got taken to the most 'haunted' place in the house which was in the dungeon. They were met with a scary looking women, just by the way neither of them wanted to look at her and their body language showed how they were anxious. Each one had a heart monitor and even before anything happened they were high.


He carries on walking around pointing out things and giving them horror stories, Craig watching as each of their heart rate raise. Dele was fidgeting as Eric was trying to act like he was scared but inside he was shitty it, and Yn was stood either biting her nails or playing with her plaits.

'If we have any spirits, please let us know if your presence' the guy spoke clearly.

The three shared a look before the light above them flickered, Yn instantly feeling her stomach drop. The lights cut out, Yn instantly grabbed for both Eric and Dele arm which made Dele squirm which then made Yn and shielding herself with Eric.

'Ah something touched me' Dele yelled as he jumped towards the other door.

A few seconds went by with the footballers huddled together with them both hiding their faces in Eric's back or shoulder as he covered his face muttering that he doesn't like it.

The light turned on and the man reappeared asking what had happened and why they all looked shaken.

'We shouldn't be in here' you mumbled.

Yn and Dele stayed close to Eric as if he was the one to turn to in this situation. The man carried on trying to summon the spirits, then the lights flickered again at a faster pace. Then it went dark. There was a noise which Yn and Dele let out a small whimper as Eric just laughed like a mad man.

The lights went up again but this time Yn screamed as a dead women appeared infront of her. She was rocking from side to side as she moaned and groaned, she was so close to Yn when the lights come on she was positive she was going to have a heart attack. She knelt down trying to control her emotions as Craig came bouncing out saying that the three of them had been tricked.

'Man that was good' Eric laughed as he hugged Craig and everyone.

The camera panned onto Yn who has her head in her hands. 'I HATE Halloween' she shouted still fully shaken as the actor in the witch outfit tried to comfort her.

'See this place isn't haunted' Eric smirked before pulling onto her feet and engulfing her in a hug.

Dele instantly joining in feeling left out. 'We survived' he cooed kissing Yn's forehead and fist bumping Dier.

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