Siestas - David Silva

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Requested by- Kloppito

David's Pov

I walked through the front door after this mornings training session, all I wanted to do was lay on the sofa with Lola and spend some quality time before I have to leave for pre season.

The house was noticeably quiet which made me somewhat on edge, I put my bag down along with my car keys and looked through the house, but there was no sign of her or no visible trace that she has been here. Suddenly I heard a groan coming from upstairs, I made my way up slowly as my ears were pricked up trying to hear her again. I got to her study was when I saw her curly dark brunette/black hair in a messy bun, she was sat at her desk that had a massive window showing the beautiful Manchester skyline. I stepped towards her quietly as I looked over her shoulder to see her attention was on her laptop which had a screenful of writing. I quickly noticed that she just had my Spanish jersey that went down mid thigh leaving her long legs on show, which always looked longer in dresses.

She still hasn't noticed I was here, so I walked behind her placing my hands on her shoulders which made her jump.

"You look tense" I whispered as I started massaging her shoulders.

She let out a moan as she stopped typing and just relaxing.

"Come on let's lay on the sofa for a bit" I suggested.

I felt her body tense up again. "No, I can't David" she protested as she pulled out of my grasp. "I'm so stressed and the deadline is a week away"

I let out a sigh as I sat beside her. "You know all you'll be doing is typing and deleting it, because that's what you do when you're stressed"

She shot me a glare before return her attention back to the screen. I moved over to her and placed my lips to her neck.

"You've got a week, a light bulb moment will appear but show me some attention" I groaned into her neck.

I wrapped my arm around her waist. "David" she moaned, before elbowing me in the ribs.

"Ow! What the fuck Lola!" I groaned wincing at the pain I had in my side.

She turned to look at me, giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry" she giggled. "I just don't need you distracting me"

I put hands up in defence before sitting backwards, I sat watching her type slowly before deleting that sentence. I started playing with her long locks as I knew that usually calmed her down from any situation. I heard her breathing become more calmer, I kissed her bare shoulder and rested my chin on her.

"I'm honestly going to cut your balls off Silva!" She threatens which makes me cackle.

"I'm not doing anything" I pointed out. "Fine I'm going to make myself some coffee" I admit standing up and leaving her study.

David must have been gone for about an hour or so but Lola didn't question it, she was too focussed on trying to finish her latest book to send it off to the publishers. She has always wanted to be a write and since being signed four years ago she has had three books out, each getting harder and harder to write as the years went on. Both David and Lola have abnormal careers which definitely isn't your 9-5, Monday to Friday hours, they usually have to bend things around to get sometime with each other. Lola sometimes travels with the team and locks herself in the suite to finish a chapter while David is training with his team.

David walked back into the study after getting distracted by his Spanish team group chat, there was a current argument between Pique and Ramos which is always fun to witness. He walked in with his cup of coffee in his hand to find his girlfriend with her head in the middle of her laptop keyboard. Her mouth was slightly open with her soft snores filling the quiet space. He tried his hardest to not laugh too loudly as he snapped a photo of her and sent it in the group chat.

"Baby" He cooed caressing her cheek.

Her eyes opened slowly before she jumped back up. "How long have I been asleep?" She asked.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet. "Come on, let's have a siesta" I smiled.

Before she could argue I grabbed her waist and threw her over my shoulder and walked into our shared bedroom before dropping her on the bed.

"I don't want a siesta" she pouted.

I pulled off her sock slippers before laying beside her and pulling the duvet up over her body.

"David I will scream if you trap me in here and I have to lay here while you snore"

I wrapped my arms around her and practically pulled her into my chest. "Go to sleep, princess" I whispered.

She was about to speak but I instantly hushed her which made her kick my shin. He traced patterns on her lower back which calmed her down, even if she wouldn't like to admit it to him. Within minutes she couldn't fight the sleepiness and was out of it.

David pulled out his phone and instantly texted her agent to ask for a writing extension as he know she was too stubborn to ask for it herself. He then cuddled up to her and enjoyed some quality time with his girlfriend.

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