Dating Loris Karius would include..

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• Going to every match he plays and wearing his jersey.
•He always looks at you and winks during the game, making sure that you were still there and watching.
• Long hour FaceTime calls before an away match.
•You always stick up for him on Twitter and has had an argument with pundits about their comments.
• Taking all his instagram photos, which he ends up getting bored because you make him pose for loads.
• Fans call you his professional photographer.
•Posts cute photos of you both with soppy captions.
•Arguments over sunglasses whether or not they are his or yours.
•Him purposely talking German to Emre so you can't understand them.
•Spontaneous trips back to Germany.
•He teaches you the German culture.
•Spontaneous trips to Disneyland Paris, to make you happy and spend time with you.
•He spontaneously buys you your favourite flowers.
•Loris teaching you German, mainly the swear words.
•He finds it hilarious when you use the words on Emre and seeing his reaction to what you said to him.
• Playing with his hair to make him relax or sleep.
•Always steals his hats and shirts when he is away.
•When you are both relaxing at home, he sometimes lets you colour in his tattoos.
•He is always in the front row at a fashion show you are in and sneakily puts his thumbs up at you.
•When you are on the front page of a magazine he tells everyone that 'she's my girlfriend'.
•Can never be pissed at each other as all you have to do is look at each other and burst out laughing at each other.
•Rough 50 shades of grey sex when Liverpool win.
•Making him get you shirts off footballers you like.
•Loud singing session during car journeys.
•A trip to the cinema always ends up with popcorn fights,
•Go for morning jogs together and always ends up with a race.
•He always asks you your opinion on a tattoo idea.
•He loves showing you off at Liverpool event nights, he never leaves your side with his arms snaked around your waist, always kissing your cheek.
•Both of you easily get jealous which causes argument when you are both drunk, but you usually ends in sex in a cubicle.
•Your parents adore him and you find them all together when you return home from work.
•You both keep your relationship private.
•He loves to just listen to you because he adores your accent.
•Always says your children will be worldies with two good looking parents.
•You spend days off cooking together in the kitchen and dancing around the house to Justin Bieber, Drake and Chance The Rapper.
•You both always fight over who is getting rid of the spider which is in the house.
•Always playing basketball with him and get taught different tricks.
•After every phone call he says "love you".


A/N: I'm doing more of these, if you want to see a certain football comment down below and I'll add them to the list 🤙🏽

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