Hot Medic - Jesse Lingard

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Requested by -lingards honestly you said anything and this is what popped into my mind 😂 hope you enjoy!
Requests are still open! DM me, I won't bite


"Y/n! Just the girl I'm looking for!" A familiar voice appeared infront of me.

I looked up from my patients notes to Clive one of the paramedics.


Doctor Roberts appeared beside me which made the mid-30 year old turn his attention from me to the five foot doctor.

"I am in need for someone to pair up with me today, and I was wondering if I could borrow Y/n" he smirked.

Doctor Roberts looked at me. "Well I don't see why not, we are very much covered on the ward" he gave me a soft smile before stealing my tablet and files.

Clive gave me a cheeky smile before highfiving me, he started pushed the bed along the corridor with me following hot on his tail.

I've been apart of the paramedic team before and I got such a thrill from it, it's so different working on the ward. You have to have your wits about you and be able to handle whatever you've been pushed into. It's more of a one to one working schedule, rather than with a massive team.

I grabbed a medic jacket and jumped in the passenger side, Clive instantly pulled out of the hospital complex slowly as I tuned the radio in trying to find the tunes, as it was of course on the radio station due to the lack of females usually here.

"Why are we at a football ground?" I questioned looking up at the largely frightening stadium.

"Cause we are based here for the Manchester derby" he announced as feisty fans started hitting the van chanting.

We safely got to the car park area where the team buses go for the players to enter the stadium. I looked at Clive who mirrored a young child who had just been told they are going to meet their hero's.

I jumped out the car and grabbed my bag throwing it over my shoulder and following the security guard. Clive was walking at a snails pace as he practically drooled over everything. As we walked out at the stadium I could see it was already half filled up, I noticed each side warming up. My eyes wandered over them all but the only ones I really recognised was Marcus Rashford and that was only because I went to school with him. As you can probably tell I'm not the biggest football fan.

"Why are you so happy to be here? Wouldn't you rather throw yourself into the deep end, feel that adrenaline rush?" I questioned as I placed my bag down on the seat.

"Oh come on, this is a great way to spend a work day on a Saturday, we are honestly getting paid to watch a football match"

I raised a brow at him, as I pulled on my plastic gloves. "Wait? You're not hoping that one of these highly paid athletes don't hurt themselves?"


"Wouldn't you want to see blood gushing out of someone's head or a bone sticking out of a leg?"

He shook his head as he sat down. "Just sit down, let's loosen up  and enjoy this absolute belter"

I let out a dramatic sigh and sat beside him, which gained a small smile from him.

My eyes wandered back to Marcus who was mainly stood speaking to a guy who looked a lot like the same age. His hair was a little longer, with a smaller frame. He was kind of good looking as he laughed at something Marcus said as they nearly fell over while a tall olive skinned guy with a ponytail stared them down like they were morons.

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