Dating Marco Asensio would include...

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•Always getting woken up by him swearing or a noise from him knocking something over.
•He is always doing something stupid to make you laugh.
•He always rests his head on your shoulder and plays with your rings when he is in a bored situation.
•Loads of kisses, which leads to him having lipstick marks on his cheeks.
•Lip biting.
•Never can take eachother serious unless you pinky promise.
•Always getting FaceTime calls from Isco and him in any situation they are in.
•He always dedicates his goals to you.
•Whenever he is away you roam his fan accounts to see what he is doing.
•Having a lot of fan accounts about you both, which have cute photos and memories.
•He claims he doesn't like to do it but he always gets you shirt from your favourite players, with little messages.
•You both try and attempt to bake goodies.
•You teach him Dutch and he teaches you Spanish.
•You both always record eachother being stupid or making funny faces at eachother while out in public.
•He is always ruining cute photos of the two of you by sticking out his tongue.
•Random jump scares which he records and ends up falling down in laughter at your reaction.
•Love looking into his chocolate brown eyes, which always makes you feel safe.
•You are both eachothers biggest fans.
•He always tells you that his mother would of loved you.
•Late night heart to hearts.
•His dad and brother are always telling you embarrassing stories.
•Your family ADORE him as he treats you like a princess.
•Double dates with Alvaro and Alice.
•Piggy back rides everywhere!
•He doesn't know what to do when you get emotional so he ends up crying too which makes you both get into hot messes
•You both get tangled up together while you sleep.
•He sleeps with his head nustled into the croak of your neck. 
•A lot of quick sex in the hotel rooms the night before matches.
•He only gets jealous when you are talking to his teammates more than him.
•Whenever he is drunk he sings Shakira really loud and starts dancing around.
•He plaits your hair for you.
•Matching pyjamas you wear on your 'do nothing' days.

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