Best Footballer - Toni Kroos

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Today was the day of my three year old son Manu's first football game with a local Saturday team. For the whole week Toni and Manuel have spent in the garden practising all the way through the evening until it was his bedtime. I loved watching them both happy as they played together and I knew how much it meant to Toni that his son, even at the age of three he is so into football. Whenever you asked him what he wants to be when he is older he always says 'footballer like papa' and was practically always wearing the kit.

Toni wasn't able to make it which left him heartbroken despite me telling him I would FaceTime him so he could watch while he was travelling back to Madrid. Manu didn't show much emotion that Papa wouldn't be able to make it but I knew he was devastated.

I parked up in the car park that looked on to the massive field which was already filled with children.

"You ready for your big game honey?" I asked as I peered over my shoulder.

He nodded and smiled showing off his adorable little dimples that appears on his chubby cheeks that he gets from his father.

"I'm going to score LOADS of goals mamma" he beamed.

I let out a small giggle and jump out the car. It was crazy how much he reminds you of Toni, how cheeky he is and the way they laugh crinkling up their nose as they leaned back with their hands resting on their stomach.

"Real Madrid will be signing you up in now time kiddo" I smiled as I grabbed his hand as he jumped out the car.

We walked onto the field with Manu pretending to do some tricks with an imaginary ball, I waved over to the coach as he spotted me and called Manu over. I grabbed his coat and back from him and watched him run over to his teammates.

I slowly walked over to the benches and got myself comfortable before pulling my phone out my pocket to check if there was anything from Toni, which to my surprise there wasn't. I switched my attention to the kids who were kicking the ball between them, I spotted the rival team walk over, they all looked a lot bigger and older than Manu and his team. I instantly felt scared, I had a feeling to just run over their and pick up my son and run off. But then I'd get a bollocking from both Toni and Manuel which would end up with double apologising and double getting reminders.

The teams all got into their starting positions as I felt butterflies appear in my stomach, which usually appear before the whistle is blown with my eyes stuck on Toni who is either shouting instructions to the boys or fixing his hair or his gloves looking as calm as a cucumber.

I noticed Manu was looking at me, so I quickly gave him a small smile and put my thumbs up for encouragement. As soon as I did so the ref aka one of the children's dads blew the whistle and they were off.

Twenty minutes went by fast and nothing really was happening to write home about, i cheered extra loudly as Manu had the ball at his feet and kept giving him encouragement when he looked over at me.

I quickly checked my phone in case Toni was now available but no luck, as I was stuffing it back into my back I spotted someone walking over to me which made me look up to see no other than Toni with Sergio and Isco walking behind him.

"Oh my god!" I gushed as I stood up with him pulling me into a quick hug. "I thought...."

"I managed to get Zizou let me take a plane straight after the game" he quickly explained. "And these guys have decided to join us" he shrugged looking at his teammates who had already took their seats and already engrossed in the match.

As soon as we sat Manu looked over and noticed the new company and gave an excited little wave to the three footballers, which honestly made my heart melt. He instantly got the ball and started to run on an attack, all four of us sat up as we watched and calmly kicked the ball in the back of the net. Everyone cheered with me jumping up and cheering, he came running over and hugged us.

I felt tears fill my eyes as I kissed his forehead.

Before I could say anything he let go and ran back to the pitch, I was left sitting on the grass and looked over at Toni whose blue eyes had a shiny glaze over them.

"He is growing up so fast" I laughed as tears slipped down my cheek.

"He's going to be winning the World Cup soon" he joked as he wiped his own tears away. "And being named the best German midfielder of his time" he added making us both laugh.


This one really isn't my best, I'm sorry :/

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