Dating Rob Holding would include...

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•You both met while you were primary school together.
•You were pretty good friends growing up, being in the same friendship group.
•You have kept all his football jerseys throughout the years.
•He calls you his 'lucky charm'.
•You mainly call him Bobby or Robert whenever you are annoyed at him.
•He always flicks your nose to annoy you.
•No matter where you guys are you always have a hot make out session.
•When he told you he was moving to Arsenal you both cried out of excitement.
•You are good friends with Calum, Chambo, Wilshere and Welbeck.
•When you go watch him play you mainly keep your eyes on him throughout the match.
•You guys know each other inside and out, you can instantly tell when the other one is not 100%.
•It's like you both are telepathic.
•You drive everywhere because you hate his driving.
•A lot of late night cuddles and deep conversations.
•You always talk about kids and your wedding plans.
•He is always doing something weird.
•You roped him into doing yoga which he secretly loves.
•You love spending time together, you usually spend an afternoon doing something crafty.
•You always play duos in Fifa and COD, which leads to arguments over whose fault it was over the lose.
•Whatever you are doing he always sneaks up behind you and pulls you close to him and buries his head in the crook of your neck.
•You guys are quite adventurous in the bedroom department.
•During summer you always go on bike rides.
•Whenever you are out he always gives you piggy back rides.
•You both are major scaredy Cats you always have to get Calum to catch spiders.
•Saturday nights are usually Chinese nights infront of the TV.
•The words 'I bet you don't' or 'I dare you' leave your mouths 20 times a day.
•Whenever it's your time of the month he always waits on you hand and foot.
•If he ever finds you asleep somewhere in the house both Calum and him play human buckaroo.
•Your phone is filled with cute photos of him either asleep or smirking at you.
•You both love theme parks and day trips to the zoo.
•Weekends back home to Bolton is always the best time ever.

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