Munich Is Calling- Serge Gnabry

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Just found out that Serge has signed for Bayern Munich and thought I'd make an imagine from it.
If you would like me to do a certain imagine with a certain footballer, hit me up and I'll get it done.

I walked into my shared apartment with my boyfriend of four years, we first met when he played in London for Arsenal FC and as I am a massive gooners fan we met at a meet and greet, I tweeted him afterwards and he followed me back and asked me on a date. At first I obviously didn't think it was actually Serge, I mean why would an upcoming footballer want to date, well little old me?
We were now living in Bremen in a cute little apartment, I put my bag down on the side and let out a small sigh relieved that I could take off my heels and relax. I walked into the kitchen and made myself a coffee from the coffee machine, I grabbed an apple and walked into the lounge.
Thinking I was home alone it made me jump when I spotted Serge sitting on the sofa, he smiled at me and turned the TV off to give me all the attention.
"What you doing here?" I frowned.
"What can't I be in my own house now?" He joked as he stood up.
I nodded. "I mean yeah obviously, but I thought you were out with Hector?"
He smiled and pulled me into a hug, he rubbed my back as he swayed us from side to side.
"I've got a surprise" he whispered.
"Is Hector here?" I asked as I looked around trying to find somewhere were he could jump out on me.
"Nope" he said popping the p.
I walked over to the sofa and sat myself down knowing Serge was going to prolong the telling me the surprise as much as possible.
"This affects us both and I have thought of us both of us when I made up the decision..." he stated.
I furrowed my eyes in confusion. "You haven't got a dog have you? I know I say I love them but I don't think we are ready for the commitment, I mean we would probably forget to feed him" I rambled.
Serge stayed silent, he put his finger up saying 'one minute' before walking out the room. He came walking back with a box which looked like it was made for shoes.
"Open it" he smiled.
I took it from me and put it on my lap, I untied the red ribbon and looked up at Serge before opening the box. I saw a red shirt folding in it.
I picked up the shirt and instantly spotted the Bayern Munich badge, I slowly turned it round and saw Gnabry written on the bottom.
"You have signed?" I questioned.
He simple nodded making me squeal as I jumped up and jumped into him to hug him. I was honestly so happy and excited for him, he has always wanted to play them and play with the likes of Thomas Muller, Robert Lewandowski and Manuel Neuer  and I was so proud of him for managing to live his dreams.
"Are you excited?" He asked.
I nodded. "Ofcourse I am"
He put me down making me now stand infront of him. "I'm so proud of you Serge" I cooed as I caressed his cheek.
"We are going to Munich!" He gushed as he hugged me tightly. "This is everything that I dreamed off" he whispered.
"I don't think it will become a reality for me until I see you score your first goal" I mentioned.
I pulled the red jersey on with Serge smiling at me. "Red suits you" he smirked.
"Why thank you!" I smiled. "You just look amazing whatever kit you are wearing" I winked.
He let out a small sigh. "I am so nervous y/n what if they don't like me?" He asked as he bite his lip.
"Oh shut up, you know the German internationals and they all love you and so will the others" I comforted him.
I pulled into me and gave him a small kiss. "Oh my god!" I shrieked. "We need to find a new apartment! And I need to tell my work that I am leaving!"
I pulled away from him and grabbed my laptop and sat at the table. "Honestly I don't know anyone else who would be excited to move as you are" he said as he followed asuit.
It was true, I do love going to new places, I like to see different parts and see new cultures.
"Do you think more people can talk English there?" I asked.
He laughed. "I can't believe you are still really bad at German"
I frowned at him then started laughing.
"I'm excited for our next chapter together" he whispered as pulled me closer to him and pecked my cheek.

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