Reunited - Roman Burki

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Roman's Pov

My eyes were trained over at the petite blonde who was standing just to the side of the loved up couple who were about to say their vows to each other. I couldn't help but notice how her bridesmaid dress perfectly showed off the rights parts of her body. Her golden locks were a lot more in control than I was used to as they hung down the middle of her back. Her bright blue eyes shone as she watched her good friend was getting married, the same blues that I always seemed to get lost into and always made me know everything was going to be alright. Her plump lips that found their way trailing over my body leaving goosebumps along the way, was in a small smile.

Her eyes fell from the happy couple and found mine, her smile instantly dropped as she gave me a warning look as she awkwardly shifted from each other foot. Andre's ex Montana noticed and gave her a questionable look, she whispered something to her which made them both silently giggle.

Even though she was quite far away from me, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The light heartedly giggle that left her mouth everytime she made a stupid joke or how we sat and watched a repeat of the game and how she loved watching me struggle to get the ball from someone before the game started. I could hear her strong Australian accent whispered in my ear as she used to whisper sweet nothings to me while we were in between the sheets.

We shared a number of little glances during the service, I managed to get her to smile at me slightly as she mouthed a few things to me, she kept checking that no one had their eyes on her before she replied back to me.

I jumped as I felt a hand appear on my thigh, I looked over at Adrianna who leaned over to me with our faces close together. "Nothing is more beautiful than a couple who are deeply madly in love, its quite sickening" she whispered.

My attention went back to Autumn but she was no longer looking at me, instead she was looking down at the small bouquet of flowers she was holding as she bite her glossed lip.

The fact that we haven't seen each other for four months as I called it quits because I thought I could fall back in love with Adrianna despite our difficult moments.But it wasn't the case, sure we can put a front on while in public but whenever we are alone we just argue. We get under each other's skin, and she was never down for anything fun. Which just made me miss Autumn even more, and made me realise my feelings for her.

The music appeared again with everyone around me getting to their feet, Adrianna pulled me to my feet. I patted Mario's shoulder to congratulate him as they walked passed, with the bridesmaids following a suite, Autumn made sure she was on the other side to where I was to avoid me.

We all gathered outside and took this opportunity to have photos with the bride and groom. I managed to get in and get near Autumn, she still smelt fruity that always lingered around the house for a few days. I snaked my arm around her waist which made her jump as she looked up at me.

"You look beautiful" I whispered.

She shot me a glare as she tried to get out of my grasp. "That was a complement babe, you are supposed to say thank you" I whispered as I looked at the camera and smiled.

I could see her roll her eyes at me. "Thanks"

I let out a small laugh. "You smell amazing I could devour you right here" I looked down at her.

Her elbow instantly made an impact with my rib which made me wince. "Don't! Don't you fucking dear!" She whispered yelled at me, as the group left us and the camera man followed. "You are the one who called it quits, why are you sniffing around me? Isn't she giving you dick enough attention? So you come back to me thinking I am the easiest target?" She questioned still sounding hurt and pissed from the whole situation.

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