How Do You Sleep? - Marcus Rashford

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Yn rolls over to find her boyfriend in a deep sleep beside her. She looked at him and gently caressed his cheek as his breathing was mellow as his lips were slightly apart. She once felt so much love towards her boyfriend of three years, so much that she would of thrown everything she knew and love to be by his side as he did the career that he loved. But now she knows everything she does she feels hate towards him for stringing her along for so long. She felt tears appear in her eyes as she questioned him in her mind, the main one that was going round in their was how do you sleep, when you lied to me? All that shame and all that danger. She hoped that he felt ashamed of himself, or when he finally loses her, realises what he had right under his nose.

Marcus was known as the golden kid in Manchester as he came through the ranks in United and took his chance by the scruff of the neck. He got in the team as the main players were out and hasn't looked back. Everyone loves how down to earth he is, so when she mentioned that she thought he was having it away to her friends they all waved her off as crazy. But the more she watched him, the more she was convinced by it. He was flirting right infront of her but laughing it off as playful banter. Or a harmless comment under a girls photo, laughing off with a 'I am not this desperate'

Her breathe hitched pulling her hand away from his face as his phone dinged, his eyes fluttered open with Yn pretending to be asleep. She felt him move and lean over, she peeked to see him smirk at his phone, the same look that he has when she texts him. He replies then jumps out of bed and goes to the bathroom. Yn reopens her eyes and sighs as she hides behind her hands.

How did I manage to lose me, I am not this desperate, not this crazy. You spoke to yourself as you cried after finding out he had a different lock on his phone, meaning he definitely had something to hide from you. At the beginning of the relationship his code was your birthdate so you were free to roam through his phone. What changed now? He had loads of sexting messages between a number of girls and a lot of nudes saved to his phone. Yn couldn't help but pick herself apart as she looked at herself and these girls Marcus is choosing to have it away with.

The bathroom door opened with Marcus walking back in as Yn sat up in bed. She gave one look at him and jumped out of bed and kissed him softly. It took him a second to kiss back as he deepened the kiss as his hand roamed over her body. She opened her eyes and looked at him. Love to you is just a game. She pushed him away making him raise his brows at her as she wiped her mouth instantly feeling sick to her stomach.

She watched him get himself dressed knowing that all his clothes will be off him in 2 seconds when he arrives at her house. His skin would probably be covered in marks which means he'd be extra distant when he returns home. But there will be a lingering smell of her perfume still on his skin and clothes that he thinks she doesn't notice but of course she does.

He kisses her goodbye with his million pulling smile and wink and walks out of the house. She sits alone in the house for a few minutes, before she jumps up and starts packing all her belongs. Her voices in her head willing her to go through with it and not second guess herself. Once she got everything that she could physically take, she placed her keys on the side with the note and left their shared house.

Marcus coming home with your favourite meal a few hours later to find a note.

I gotta leave and start the healing

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