'Jesse's A Daddy' - Jesse Lingard

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Oh shit. Two lines!

My eyes flicked from the wand in my hand to the box with my eyes skimming over two lines indicates pregnancy. I felt a lump appear in my throat as my eyes went back to the pregnancy test which most definitely had two distinctive pink lines across the small screen. I dropped the plastic stick as I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to calm down and think what I was going to do next. Tears fell from my eyes down my cheek as it started to become more difficult to breathe with my stomach aching the more I broke down.

The only thing that was going through my mind was how was I supposed to tell Jesse? Sure we are happy together and we love each other a lot but a child wasn't in our near future plans. He has only really started to be in the plans of the United team and has got called up to represent his country, whereas I am only 19 and I have just got my place in the University. It scared me how he would react as we haven't really spoken about kids or that chapter of our lives, he hasn't really mentioned his feelings towards kids. Sure he gets on with his teammates children and he loves speaking to fans who stop him on the street, he probably has more time for the little ones than anyone else.

But would it be different if it was one of his? Would you get up in the middle of the night and feed them despite having to get up in a few hours for training? Would he rather spend time at home with a sick children rather than going out with Marcus, celebrating the latest win?

I was cut out of my little melt down when I heard the door handle move, I luckily locked the door when I came in here so no one would walk in and find me.

"Y/n?" His voice appeared.

I could feel my mouth dry up, as my heart skipped a beat. "I'm...I'm getting into the shower"

I noticed the handle move again. "Why is the door locked? Are you alright babe?"

"I'm going in the shower Jes, that's why the door is locked!" I snapped.

We both knew that we never locked the door while we used it as it was our ensuite and we usually end up sitting in here when the other one is getting ready.

I could feel his presence still behind the door as if he was checking that everything was alright. I picked up the pregnancy test and box and shoved it in my dressing gown, I wiped my face and unlocked the door making him stumble as he was leaning on the door.

His eyes automatically ran over me checking that everything was alright, I couldn't hold eye contact with him and quickly slipped past him and jumped back into bed, pulling the duvet over my head.

"I thought you said..." he started.

Before he could finish Marcus' voice boomed around the house telling him he had to go to training. I heard Jesse groan and shuffle around the room before he kissed the top of my head before closing the door behind him.

I sat up and quickly grabbed my phone and opened my contacts, I scrolled through until I found my thumb hover over Jesse's mums name. Kirsty and I have been super close every since I have first met and she has always been our number one fan. Giving non-biased opinions on the situation.

I texted her asking for her to come round, I tried to make it look casually but also make it that she comes over quickly. Once she texted back she'll be right over, I climbed out of bed and put on one of Jesse's hoodies and leggings and pulled my hair in a top knot. I couldn't help but notice how pale my skin looked, before I could do anything about it there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and was tackled into a loving hug by Kirsty who gave a soft kiss on the cheek. I followed her into the kitchen that still smelt like breakfast, I instantly felt a churning feeling in my stomach.

Oh shit.

Kirsty noticed and raised her brow at me before I jetted towards the bathroom, I luckily made it and threw up despite having a empty stomach. Kirsty appeared beside and rubbed circles on my back.

"Did someone have a crazy night?" She joked.

I shook my head as wiped my mouth. "No" I whispered giving her puppy dog eyes, before I could say anymore I was throwing up again.

Once I was finished I sat myself on the toilet seat. "So you didn't go out last night. You haven't got food poisoning because Jesse and Marcus would still be here" she stated.

I avoided her eyes as I started to fiddle with my rings. "I'm pregnant" I mumbled.

I wasn't too sure if she heard as she stayed completely silent, I looked at her to see she had teary eyes, she didn't say anything she just pulled me in a hug. I instantly started crying feeling a little relief that I have now told someone else.

"This is great Y/n. Another little member of the clan" she gushed.

"Jesse doesn't know, I'm kinda shitting myself about it" I admitted making her look at me shocked.

She took my hands. "I have not seen him be in love with someone more than he loves you! Whatever you are afraid of he won't be like that!" She comforted me. "He is so excited to spend his life with you Y/n, sure this might of come early than you expected but the universe have given you something incredible"


I managed to talk Kirsty into staying with me while I tell Jesse, we were sat in the kitchen when the door opened with the two familiar Mancunian voices appearing probably arguing as usually. My body tensed up when I heard two other voices, I looked over at Kirsty for help and guidance who instantly took my hand and squeezed it softly.

The four boys fell silent as they spotted both myself and Jesse's Mum sat there hand in hand. My eyes went from Marcus to Paul to Axel and then over to Jesse who had just looked from his mum to me, giving me a questioning look.

"What has Jesse done now?" The Frenchman joked making both Axel and Marcus laugh.

I noticed they all had Starbucks cups in their hands which the aroma started to fill my nostrils. I closed my eyes for a second trying to take deep breaths.

"Boys why don't we leave them to talk" Kirsty suggested.

I instantly grabbed her wrist before she could walk away, I gave her a pleading look which she understood but so did Jesse apparently as he instantly dropped his things and within seconds he was by my side.

Axel pushed the others out of the kitchen.

"Y/n are you alright? Baby you are scaring me" he rambled, as he looked at you fondly and then went to his mum.

"Where do you see us in the future?" I questioned.

His brows furrowed. "I see us in a big family home with a few kids, maybe two boys and a little girl, I see you having the biggest wardrobe space between the two of us. A few cars in the garage and two Dalmatians, with Marcus and Lucia as our next door neighbours"

He listened contently as he held my hand. "That sounds amazing, when can we start?" He smirked.

A small blush appeared on my cheeks I looked at Kirsty who was grinning with excitement, I pulled out the pregnancy test and handed it to him upside down.

"Fuck off" he whispered as he turned it around and noticed the two lines. "I'm going to be a Dad? IM GOING TO BE A DAD!"

He instantly jumped up and started hopping and running around, Axel and Marcus appeared and pulling him in a huddle. Paul effortlessly picked me up and joined in the celebrations, with the five of us chanting the 'Jesse is a daddy' as Kirsty quietly cried with happiness that she's going to be a grandmother.


This was requested by babyggirly I hope this was alright and you enjoyed it!
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