Fluff Alphabet - Marcus Rashford

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A- Attractive {what do they find attractive about the other?} Marcus loves your smile, he loves how it can brighten up hid day just by sending a smile his way

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A- Attractive {what do they find attractive about the other?}
Marcus loves your smile, he loves how it can brighten up hid day just by sending a smile his way. He lives for your laugh, how it go from a childish giggle to a light hearted chuckle as he tells you a funny story about what Jesse done.

B- Baby{do they want a family? why/why not?}
He hasn't thought about family he has always been 100% concentrated on football. But meeting you, he can envision you both having a little tribe of your own.

C- Cuddle {how do they cuddle?}
It depends on Marcus, he either is pulling you into him so he can give you a big bear hug or sometimes he likes you hugging him as he wraps his arms around your waist.

D- Dates {what are dates with them like?}
You both like going to arcades or bowling for dates, as you are both competitive and you are both full of banter, and laughter just enjoying each other's company.

E- Everything {you are my ____ (e.g my life, my world...)}
'You are my sun, my moon and all my stars' Marcus says that to you a lot, even you are muttering it along with him as you peck his nose softly.

F- Feelings {When did they know they were in love?}
When you are there for him at his lowest moments, you wouldn't let him mop around alone and would let him cuddle into you as you tried to show him the bigger picture. He hadn't had a girlfriend who was there for him at his lowest always just told him to 'man up' but you completely understood it.

G- Gentle {are they gentle? If so, how?}
He is always gentle with you, you are always laughing at him telling him you're not made of glass. He is always gently when it gets down to sex always leaving trail of kisses along your body.

H- Hand {Hand/Hold how do they like to hold hands?}
Marcus is always holding you hand, whether you are sat on the sofa together, walking around the streets or sat somewhere. You are always playing with eachothers hands.

I- Impression { first impression/s}
When you first met him you thought he was so charming and hilarious as Jesse and him were throwing banter at eachother. Everyone usually thinks that Jesse is the funny one but you have always found Marcus hilarious.

J- Joker{ are they into pulling pranks?}
You both aren't big into pranks. But you are always telling jokes to one another, which usually gets the other laughing at your dispense, as your jokes are quite shit.

K- Kisses{how do they kiss?}
Marcus is always kissing you, whether it's a kiss on the back of your hand, or a kiss on your cheek. When you are out in public he doesn't like full on pda but they are definitely your favourite kisses.

L- Love { who says I love you first?}
Marcus tells you he loves you first, after England comes crashing out of the World Cup and you are running to him to comfort him. You are telling him how proud you are of him and you will comeback better than ever, and he mumbles out a small 'I love you' which takes you surprise but you say it back as you hold him.

M- Memories {their favourite moment together?)
His favourite memory of you is going to Jamaica with his family and you, he loves seeing you get on with his family. He enjoyed just being around and spending time in the sea and doing water sport.

N- Nickel {do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?}
He likes to spoil you on your birthdays and Christmas with things he knows that you had your eye on. He knows that you have your own money but he likes to spoil, just as much as you do to him.

O- Orange {what colour reminds them of their other half?}
Pink. He loves seeing you in the colour but whenever he thinks of you pink comes to mind. As it's a tranquil and peaceful and that's what you are to him.

P- Pet Names {what pet names do they use?}
'Little Dove' or 'Gumdrop' are the main two but he calls you 'baby' and 'baby girl' quite a lot too.

Q- Quaint {what is their favourite non-modern thing?}
Polaroids. Marcus is always snapping photos of you and your adventures together which ends up in his photo album which he can look back on with fond memories.

R - Rainy Day {what do they like to do on a rainy day?}
You guys usually invite over Jesse and his brothers which usually end up with you guys cooking up a storm. But you usually have a game of hide or seek, which is always good fun as your house is filled with so many good places to hide. You guys all just enjoy being kids again for the day before retiring around the table to eat the meal you all took part in.

S- Sad {how do they cheer themselves/each other up}
Sex. Sex is always the best therapy for you both after you have talked out your feelings. You give each other the best pep talk before you make love to make the other feel better.

T- Talking{what do they love to talk about?}
You guys are pretty similar so you guys can talk about anything and make a whole conversation about something that people probably wouldn't enjoy. You guys are always comparing notes about eachothers favourite footballer or actors or singers.

U- Unencumbered {What helps them relax?}
Just being around you, you help him take his mind off the thing that's bothering him. He likes to get your opinion on the matter, to see it from another pair of eyes.

V- Vaunt {what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?}
He doesn't like showing off expensive things which makes him look like a dick. But he likes to show off his large collection of football jerseys that he gets after matches. He usually has a massive story about it, while you are tracing your fingers over the the grass stains as you listen. Or while watching him smile as he tells the same story to everyone who comes round and gets to see his new edition.

W - Wedding {when, how, where do they propose?}
He would propose to you when you are in your local pub surrounded by both of your families, you thinking it's a dinner to celebrate his call up with the England team again. But when he calls you over with everyone surrounding you and he goes down on one knee you are completely overwhelmed.

X- Xylophone {What's their song?}
Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness. You being a big fan of hers you are always singing or humming to it, so much that Marcus has learnt the words and you are always blasting it out and singing.

Y- You {the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)}
'You're the Beyonce to my Jay Z'

Z- Zebra {if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?}
You'd most likely get house rabbit, as they are much easier to look after and less hassle. While he is away you don't have to have the whole load of looking after a dog. You both deciding on a footballer name which every laughs at but you find it adorable.

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