Hurts - Marcus Rashford

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This is the second part to How Do You Sleep

It had been two months since Yn walked out on Marcus, leaving Marcus in complete darkness as she fell off the earth without a trace. Two months since Marcus had been falling into a downward spiral as he had loads of questions that couldn't be answered because Yn blocked him on everything. She wouldn't even talk to Jesse as she knew he would just tell his best friend. Two months since Yn and Marcus had been in the same room together, so when the young footballer arrived at Paul's house and saw his girl, he couldn't help but be filled with mixed emotions.

Yn could feel eyes burning into the side of her head as she was listening to a story Griezmann was telling her and Kylian as they sat on the sofa together. Paul invited the exes to his baby shower as he was good friends with the two and didn't want to chose, but he promised Yn that if Marcus tried anything he'd kick him out.

'Are you alright?' Kylian whispered as he glanced over at Marcus.

You nodded and muttered out a 'I'm alright, I'm alright' then in your head you said 'but I could be wrong' as your eyes met with Marcus'. He gave you a sympathetic look which just made him look like a puppy.

Oh baby, I'm not made out of stone, it hurts.

All Marcus wanted to do was walk over to you and pull you into his arms and take you home with him, where you belong. With him. He's eyes skimmed over you and couldn't help but fall under your spell all over again, your beautiful smile that was on your face as you listened to the French footballer tell you a story.

Loving you the way I do, it hurts

You were semi listening to the Barcelona footballer, but you were keeping your eyes on him. As he sipped his drink as he kept his eyes on you. These past two months had been hard for you, all you wanted to do was run back to him and forgive him. But it hurts seeing him again, seeing his handsome self.

You felt your body tense up as he walked over, he said he's hellos to the two footballers and asked if they would give the two of you a moment. He sat beside you and gave you some small talk which made you scoff. Jesse was watching you both, he was itching to get involved and just hit your heads together but he knew he couldn't as this was down to you two. When all that's left to do is watch it burn, it hurt him watching your relationship just falling apart infront of his eyes, you were the first girlfriend of Marcus' that he liked.

'It hurts the way that you pretend you don't remember' you mutter as you raise your brows at him. All you wanted him to do was admit to him playing away. But he was playing stupid, even though you had your proof he was still acting clueless.

'It hurts the way you forget our times together' he spoke softly as he tried to regain your eye line. 'Like the time laid in bed when you said it's forever baby'

My tears don't fall too often, but your knife is cutting me deep, deep, deep.

You couldn't help but feel your tears appear in your eyes, of course you remembered all those moments you spent with Marcus, the guy you love or loved. But they were all scarred with the fact he was playing away and that hurt you deeply.

A girl suddenly appeared infront of you two as she smirked at Marcus he seemed a little out of his depth, you took this as your time to leave. You jumped up and stepped past the girl who took your place. You gave Marcus a soft smile and walked away.

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