Why You Only Call Me When You're High - Antoine Griezmann

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Antoine's Pov

The sound of my phone ringing stirred my sleep, I sat up and leaned over to my phone which was on the bedside table. I saw Y/n's on the Caller ID for the first time in five months. I realised it was 1am which meant it was probably a drunk call or a accidentally bag call.
I accepted the call and said a small 'hello' all I could hear was a loud music and people singing rather out of tune. "Antoine?" A voice appeared but i instantly knew it was Y/n, I started to worry, what if she has got into trouble? But then why would they call me and not her recent caller or her mother?
"It's Callie" she spoke before I could answer.
"What's wrong Callie?" I asked, slightly relieved that it was her best friend and not some weirdo who stole her phone.
"I know you and Y/n haven't seen each other in ages  but she's completely out of it and she won't leave the club" she said sounding frustrated and desperate.
I looked over to see Stephanie, my current girlfriend is still sound asleep.
"Ok, where are you?" I whispered as I climbed out of bed.
"That new club Indigo" she stated.
I nodded and told her I wouldn't be long. I quickly got dressed throwing on the outfit that I wore just that day. I grabbed my keys off the side and hopped into my car and started my drive to the car.
After a ten minute drive I parked right outside the club, I climbed out and instantly spotted Y/n bending over throwing up while Callie was rubbing her back softly.
I walked over to them slowly with Callie noticing me and smiling at me.
"Thanks for this" she smiled. "You know what she is like" she whispered.
"Hey! I am right here!" Y/n moaned as she stood up wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
She looked over at me with her thick eyebrows closely knitted together as her eyes wandered over me. Her hand went up and ran through my hair which was floppy over my head.
"You look like a smurf" she frowned as I have recently dyed it blue.
"And you look like candy floss" I laughed as I touched the tips of her hair which was a light pink colour.
She rolled her eyes at me playfully. "Come on let's go back in, my favourite song is playing" she said beginning to walk but stopped as I stepped infront of her.
"No I think it's time for you to call it a night" I stated.
"Come on let Antoine take you home" Callie added.
She groaned. "Fine" she said and began to walk toward my car.
I turned to Callie. "Text me when you have got her home" she stated making me nod. "And thanks again" she smiled and pecked my cheek before walking towards the car.
I got into the car to see her sitting with her knees up to her chest and staring out the window. I started the engine and drove off.
The whole journey was us sitting in silence, I knew that Y/n isn't too keen on small talk and I didn't want to put any music on incase she was getting a headache.
I pulled up at the house to see it was still in darkness , which meant Stephanie hasn't woken up which I was so thankful for. I hopped out the car and helped her out, she brushed me off and walked up the steps to the front door. I locked the car before running up to unlock the door and letting her in.
I watched as she walked in slowly as she looked around the rooms, she put down her heels on the sofa and looked at the framed photos on the fireplace. I left her and walked into the kitchen and made two glasses of water and grabbed some tablets. I walked to the pile of my clean of clothes and grabbed a plain white tee and some boxers so she could be comfortable while sleeping .
"Do you think if I didn't miscarry we would still be together?" Her voice appeared making me slightly jump.
I turned around to see her sad eyes. The truth was we were together for two years when we tried for a baby, we started to buy the accessories we needed and was starting the nursery when we found out Y/n had an miscarriage. When we found out it was hard for us both and it seemed like we were two different people.
I let out a sigh and moved over to her and hugged her. "Our break up wasn't because of the miscarriage, sometimes things happen in a relationship and people change" I said softly.
"Do you ever think about them?" She whispered. "Do you ever think of the life what we could be living if everything went to plan?" She questioned as she sat down. "I always think if we had a son if he would want to be a footballer like his father or if we had a daughter who she would have a crush on from the French national side" she said with a small smile on her lips.
I went and sat next to her. "Knowing our luck she'd fancy Paul" I said making us both laugh.
"As long it isn't Patrice" she said giggling.
"Or Olivier" I added.
"I'm sorry" she whispered as she looked over at me with her eyes looking glossy.
I wrapped my arm around her. "What happened wasn't your fault" I stated. "I should of been there for you more and not let you go through it all by yourself" I whispered then placed my lips on her forehead.
My heart hurt knowing that she was still hurting after two years, yes it upsets me knowing that I could of been a father but things happen for a reason.
I could hear her breathe hitch then she sat up wiping her tears away. "Callie shouldn't of called you, I shouldn't be here" she said sounding more sober.
"I am glad she did and I brought you here because I don't want you alone when you are like this" I explained.
Her eyes wandered around the room again with them stopping on something, I followed her gaze and saw she was looking at a photo on the fridge of Stephanie and I.
"Are you happy?" She questioned.
"Please don't make me answer that" I begged.
She nodded and played with her nails. "Is she here now?" She asked.
I nodded knowing my voice wouldn't work for me.
"And she is alright with you being downstairs with your ex?" She frowned.
I shook my head. "She doesn't know that you are here and I don't care what she thinks, I just want to know that you are ok" I stated.
She stayed quiet as her eyes trailed over my face, I couldn't help but look at her plump lips. I moved closer to her and placed my hands on her face and pulled her into me making her lips go on mine.
The kiss felt hungry as our lips moved in sync with each other, her hands went through my hair which I loved when she used to do that. We pulled away and looked at each other as I felt my heart pump in my chest.
"I'll show you where the spare room is" I quickly said.

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