Argument- Dominic Calvert Lewin

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Requested by WutRhia ps I think I have fallen in love with DCL, so thank you for that :) hope you enjoy the imagine :)

"...If you are homesick Sapphire then go home, all you have to do is get a on a train" your boyfriend Dominic spat.

By his random bluntness you would of thought you had just cornered him into doing something he wasn't too keen on, but the reality was you stating how excited you were for Evertons next match.

"What's got in your beehive?" You joked.

You heard him let out a small groan as he kept his attention on spooning the protein into the glass.

"What's got in your beehive" he mocked.

You knew when he was annoyed and you tried to talk it out he usually just mocks you for it in hope that you'd just drop it. That only worked when you knew what was up with him and knew it was better to leave him to cool down on his own. But when you didn't know what had annoyed your boyfriend you wanted to be like adults and talk it out.

He looked up at you with you raising your brows at him trying to encourage him to talk.

"Ok, you want to know what wrong with me?" He questioned, with still a harshness to his voice.

You stayed quiet and just nodded.

"When was the last time you have come to watch me play? When was the last time you even acknowledged how shit we have been playing lately?"

Your brows furrowed. "You know why I can't make it to every match" you spoke softly as you stood up to walk over to him.

As soon as you reached for his hands he pulled away with a scoff. "Do you know how it feels when you have loads of people talking shit about you and whether you deserve to wear the badge just to come home and not have anyone support you"

Your face softened, you didn't realise he was feeling this way. Ofcourse you didn't, you were never a big football fan. When you can't make it to a game you don't usually keep an eye out for the results you just wait till he comes home and he usually just replies with 'it was alright' and then it gets dropped.

"I'm sorry.." you whisper.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for Sapp, for being a shit girlfriend or for thinking the whole world revolves around you?" He spat.

"Seriously? I have just apologised and I see where you are coming from you don't need to be-"

He cut you off. "Don't need to be what?"

"A bitch about it!" You snapped.

He let out a dry chuckle. "I'm the bitch? I'm not the one who doesn't give a damn but happy to live off my career!"

That stung for you. That was the one thing you were scared about when you started to date Dominic. You were still at University and you didn't want everyone to think you were just using him for his money. So this was a low blow from him.

"No! No you don't get to say that to me!" You spoke. "I'm sorry that I have been a shitty girlfriend and I'm sorry that I thought it would be a good idea to go home this weekend and come to a match"

He nodded. "Yeah and I'm sorry too"

He moved past you as he picked up his training kit. "Where are you going?"

"Got training, won't be home till late"

You let out a sigh. "Dom, please" you pleaded.

He froze in his spot. "I'm not asking you to drop everything for me, I understand you've got your own shit going on but it'd be nice to know you've got my back" he admitted.

You moved over to him and caressed his cheek softly. "You know I'm always going to be backing your corner, I'm always going to be your biggest fan" you spoke softly. "I'm sorry that I've been a shitty girlfriend"

He leaned in letting your foreheads touch. "I've got to go" he whispered as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"So you are just leaving just like that? What foot do we even stand on here?"

"You are going to book a train and go home, considering you are so excited about doing so" he faked smiled.

You rolled your eyes. "Do you know how childish you sound right now?" You questioned. "I moved to Liverpool for you, away from everything I knew and you are upset that I am excited to have a break and spend time with my family"

"I never MADE you move anywhere!" He shotback.

"No you never but I did it because- because I love you" you spoke gently.

He ran his hands through his curls, which he does when he was agitated.

"So why are you throwing that back in my face now?" He was getting defensive now.

"I'm not throwing it in your face- honestly there is no point talking to you when you are like this" you spoke calmly. "Go to training, let off some steam and come back when you are thinking straight"

You handed him his hat which he took gratefully before stepped past you, you stood in your place until you heard the car drove off.

You made yourself a cup of tea before grabbing your phone and looking through Dom's Instagram profile, sure enough every photo was flooded in fans giving him grief. It made you feel worse not even knowing or paying attention to anything that was going on.

By the time Dom came home you had dinner made for the two of you, you made his favourite shepherds pie. You greeted him with a smile as he appeared in the kitchen, he dropped his bag slowly as you walked over to him and pecked his cheek.

"I'm sorry" you both said in unison which made you laugh.

You put your hand on his chest. "I really am, and I have scheduled in to come and watch more of your matches"

He caressed your cheek softly. "No you don't have to" he shook his head. "I was being stupid" he whispered.

You smiled and kissed his lips. "Well that makes the two of us"

You pulled him over to the table which instantly made his eyes light up.

The two of you squashed your argument and you both stepped up your game and made sure to be make more time for each other.

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