Fluff Alphabet- Ruben Loftus-Cheek

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A- Attractive {what do they find attractive about the other?} What doesn't he find attractive about you? He loves you natural with no make up on in some comfy clothes and your hair in plaits

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A- Attractive
{what do they find attractive about the other?}
What doesn't he find attractive about you? He loves you natural with no make up on in some comfy clothes and your hair in plaits. But most importantly he loves how kind hearted you are, and how you easily put others before yourself

B- Baby
{do they want a family? why/why not?}
He never thought about starting a family until he met you, he can see you mothering his children and even though you are still young he cannot wait till that day comes.

C- Cuddle
{how do they cuddle?}
Ruben is always cuddly for his number one girl. He loves burying his face into your neck as your hand rubs his neck, as he breathes in your scent.

D- Dates
{what are dates with them like?}
You both have a weekday which is your date night, you both leave your phones at home wanting to spend quality time with each other. It doesn't really matter if you dress up to the nines or it you just back a fort in the living room and watch back to back Disney movies.

E- Everything
{you are my ____ (e.g my life, my world...)}
"You are my whole world"  he always whispers this to you as he kisses your forehead, he doesn't see his life without you in it. You are his biggest fan and biggest inspiration, he always wants to make you proud.

F- Feelings
{When did they know they were in love?}
For the both of you it was pretty quickly, you both loved being around eachother & loved how the other made them feel.

G- Gentle
{are they gentle? If so, how?}
You call him your 'big gentle giant' he always checks that he isn't hurting you, always aware of his size compared to your petite body.

H- Hand
{Hand/Hold how do they like to hold hands?}
He love holding your hands, whether it's when you are cuddling on the sofa watching TV, while you are in the bedroom department or if you are walking around London. He always traces his thumb along your palm making you laugh.

I- Impression
{ first impression/s}
When you first met he thought you were the most beautiful women he had laid his eyes on. As soon as you got talking he loved how bold you were and how you had good banter making him laughing.

J- Joker
{ are they into pulling pranks?}
You two are always playing pranks on eachother or on one of your family members. A lot of them end up on socials which your fans love watching just enjoying your carefree relationship

K- Kisses
{how do they kiss?}
He has always got his lips on you, always stealing kisses or pecking your cheek, no matter where you are or who is around he loves showing you affection.

L- Love
{ who says I love you first?}
You both say it around the same time, it was after having sex for the second time and you both just whisper 'I love you' which you both just stupidly smirk at eachother which ends to a round two.

M- Memories
{their favourite moment together?)
His favourite memory is while you were both on your first holiday together, you went on a safari and he loved just watching your face light up as you got to feed milk to elephants & lion cubs. Also how you beamed as you watched the monkeys swing in the trees. He loved how childlike you both were that day, he loved just watching you at ease and happy.

N- Nickel
{do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?}
You both go all out on each others birthdays, christmas & Valentine's Day, but neither of you are materialistic to just spend ridiculous £'s on each other to show each other how much you love them. When he comes home after a week away with Chelsea or England he always brings you some flowers, while you always make sure the cupboards are stocked for his cheat day needs.

O- Orange
{what colour reminds them of their other half?}
Yellow. It's his favourite colour on you, it first started seeing you in one of his shirts, then you buy yourself a lingerie set in yellow which he just stares at you, realising how perfect your body looks in that colour.

P- Pet Names
{what pet names do they use?}
Baby, Sweetheart are the most used nicknames but he always just shortens your name in normal conversation.

Q- Quaint
{what is their favourite non-modern thing?}
Slow Dancing. He loves to put on some John Legend and sweep you in his arms and swirls you around the room as he sings to you.

R - Rainy Day
{what do they like to do on a rainy day?}
Living in the UK, that is most days. You guys usually get in the kitchen and make some treats and then cuddle on the sofa watching a series on Netflix.

S- Sad
{how do they cheer themselves/each other up}
You both can read eachother easily, so when he comes home in a mood you instantly take him upstairs and set the bath, you put in some Lush products and make the best smelling biggest bubble bath. You both get in and pamper him with face masks.

T- Talking
{Talking what do they love to talk about?}
You both can get rather deep, you love conspiracy theories, so you end up sitting on the sofa at stupid o clock just searching things and discussing your theories.

U- Unencumbered
{What helps them relax?}
No matter what's on his mind which is keeping him up late, you just trail your nails down the back of his neck and his spine, which puts him to sleep within seconds.

V- Vaunt
{what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?}
Whenever he can he loves being shirtless showing off his good physique. He spends hours in the gym so why wouldn't he? They are proud of how far he has got in his career, now being a starter in Chelsea, as well as being super proud of you, and what a strong head you've got on your shoulder (never backing down in what you believe in)

W - Wedding
{when, how, where do they propose?}
The two of you have been dating for two years when he is thinking about it and bringing it up to both of your dads. Once he gets the approval he takes you to Paris and proposing infront of the Eiffel Tower.

X- Xylophone
{What's their song?}
Anything by The Weeknd or Drake, no matter what your are doing you are always listening to one of their songs. You guys are always dancing stupidly and singing out of tune.

Y- You
{the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)}
"You are the Bonnie to my Clyde" basically saying it's us against the world, he doesn't care about anyone else apart from you, as long as you are happy and trust him then that's all what matters.

Z- Zebra
{if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?}
You have always spoke about getting a pet dog together to add to the family, you both deciding on an English Bulldog, you both cannot decide what to call him by end with Apollo. And you both basically treating him like your child.

A/N: this is my first time doing this if you want me to do any for any other footballer leave a comment and I'll get to it

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