Parenting Problems- Karim Bemzema

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"Constance darling you can't wear that to school" I said to my five year old daughter as she walked into the kitchen in her purple Real Madrid shirt that Karim brought her for tonight's match.
"But I want to show all my friends" she pleaded.
I kneeled down to her level and made her sit on my lap so I could brush her bed hair. "Why don't you wear another one in case you get it dirty before tonight?" I said trying to reason with her.
"NO!" She wailed.
I let out a sigh. "This one will be in your bag in the cloak room you can show your friends at break" I added as I tied her hair up.
"No" she pouted as she shook her head.
For a five year old she is very bossy and always wants her way or no way, she is very much like her father in that sense which means she often comes home in a bad mood because he didn't give in to her. I on the other hand try and my way then end up giving up.
"Alright, are you excited for the game, who is going to be there?" I asked changing the subject.
"Oncle Greg and Mama Nina" she said as she put on her coat and grabbed her back.
Mama Nina? Who the hell is that?
"Who is Nina?"I asked as I handed her an apple which she accepted, I grabbed my keys and followed her to the front door.
"Papa's girlfriend" she smiled as she bite into her apple and looked at a bird that was sitting on the roof.
I could feel my blood start to boil, I don't know what pissed me off more, the fact that Karim has a new girlfriend and hasn't told me that he was introducing her to my child or the fact that my child is calling her Mama and he is letting her!
"She is really nice Mama, we bake and play in the pool and watch movies together while Padre is at training" she said excitedly as she jumped in the back of the car.
I nodded as I drove out of the driveway and begun the trip to school. "Oh she sounds like a bundle of fun" I tried my best not to sound cold.
"I hear them arguing at night, she said that he still love you" she spoke casually as she stared out the window.
I stayed quiet and turned the radio on, putting on Fifth Harmony which made Connie start singing and dancing in the back.
After a ten minute journey we pulled up at her nursery, I got out and helped her out the back, I quickly locked the car and held her hand as we walked through the gates and through the playground.
Once we got inside and took off her coat and hung up her things, she was already showing her friend her new kit.
"Give me a kiss" I kneeled down pointing to my lips.
She quickly pecked my lips. "Have fun tonight and don't forget to cheer extra loud for papa" I told her.
She nodded. "Because he is nervous and if he hears me he will play better because of me" she beamed.
"That's right" I smiled as I poked her nose. "And be good for Oncle" I reminded her.
She nodded and kissed me again before running off with her friend to join her group and showed them all her shirt.
I found myself standing outside Karim's house, I knocked on the door twice and rang the door bell making sure he could hear me knowing he was probably only just getting up. I wrapped my arms around myself as I waited, my eyes wandered around his high number variety of cars that were parked on his drive way.
I heard the clicking of the door being opened with my eyes landing on a small petite blonde woman. "Hello, you must be Constance's madre" she smiled.
"Y/n" I stated.
She nodded. "Karim!" She called.
I rolled my eyes at her and walked in past her with her hot on my tail, I walked into the kitchen to find him standing in just his boxers.
"Karim" I announced making him jump as he turned around to face me.
"W..what's wrong Y/n?" He asked as he walked towards me.
I frowned at him as he looked at me in confusion. "Well my daughter told me that you have a new girlfriend and you are letting her call her Mama?" I questioned. "Are you serious?" I spat.
He opened his mouth but didn't say anything. "Yes she calls me Mama Nina but I'm not trying to get into your shoes" she announced calmly.
"Bullshit!" I spat.
"Y/n" he warned.
I rolled my eyes at him. "No! Just because you got yourself a new bimbo to fuck around with for a bit doesn't give you a right to bring her around my daughter Karim!" I declared.
"Connie is my daughter too" he argued back.
I nodded. "I'm aware of that! How would you like it if I get a boyfriend and get her to call her papa? You wouldn't like it would you!"
"I am not trying to replace you Y/n" Nina spoke. "Connie and I were eating and she accidentally called me Mama then got really upset so I told her she could call me Mama Nina if she wanted to"
I looked over at her which made her instantly make her look down at her feet. Just looking at her face annoyed me so much, she had fake pouty lips with her eyebrows tattooed on. I couldn't see what Karim saw in her, she was completely opposite from myself.
"You have no right to let her call you that! I don't want her to get hurt when you walk out of her life after you get bored with him Karim" I declared.
"Y/n" Karim warned me as he frowned at me.
I laughed. "You think you are going to be with HER forever?" I asked as I pointed at her. "News flash your not! You will get bored of her within seconds and she'll jump into bed with the next person who will give her a chance"
I could tell Karim was getting pissed, with his eyes darkened. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the garden, making sure he closed the door behind us before letting go of me.
"What is wrong with you!" He snapped.
"What is wrong with me?" I questioned. "Oh I don't know, maybe that my ex boyfriend is trying to play happy families with my daughter and his new bimbo!"
He shook his head as he smiled. "You are unbelievable"
"Karim don't piss me off or I will go get our daughter and move back to The Netherlands and you will never see her again" I said making my childishness take over.
He suddenly let out a groan and hit the glass window which was next to us. "You have no fucking right to do that!"
"And you have right to do what you are doing?" I frowned.
A lot of people would of been scared when Karim was angry but I knew what he was like, he would go around hit and pushing things over but I knew he would never hit me.
"Connie always tells me that she wants us back together, she wants a solid household and if you are giving it to her with 'Mama Nina' why would she need me anymore?" I whispered as I felt tears appearing in my eyes.
Karim looked at me and let out a deep sigh as he walked towards me and pulled me into a hug.
"That kid adores the ground you walk on Y/n, she would never leave you. Whenever she is with me she nonstop talks about you and she doesn't really like Nina" he calmly stated as he rubbed my back.
He held onto me for a few more minutes and I couldn't lie that I was rather enjoying it, he pulled away from me making me look down at my hands.
"I'm sorry, she always comes home and tells me how much she has with you and I get scared that when she gets older she would want to live with and leave me" I whispered.
He shook his head. "You shouldn't be sorry, you are an amazing madre and because of you she will grow up as an independent woman with big dreams that she will achieve" he smiled. "And I am sorry about everything, I should of told you about Nina, I think you are right that we won't be together too much longer"
"I can be your wingwoman and find you a keeper, and someone who would be good with Connie and someone who she will like" I suggested.
He nodded and put his hand out making me high five him as we laughed.

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