Jelly Bean - Marco Reus

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It's been a week since I took the dreaded pregnancy test, which Lana pushed me to do as she noticed my random eating habits. She was the only one who knew as I couldn't find the right time to tell Marco, my boyfriend of five years. I was scared about his reaction as we haven't really had a conversation about our future, nothing about a wedding or starting a family, we haven't even spoken when he is rumoured about moving away from Dortmund. We always say we will cross that bridge when it approaches.

And with him mainly working harder than usual to get back on the pitch after another injury crisis, or having a teammate round having a FIFA tournament or with me working late and coming with him already in bed and asleep.

We were currently sitting on the sofa together in the dark with the large screen filling the room in the green from the football pitch. I wasn't really sure who were watching and I wasn't really paying too much attention.

My eyes were locking onto Marcos face, his eyebrows were closely knitted together as he payed attention or if the team he was supported made a stupid mistake they crinkled even more with small lines appearing on his forehead. He kept shoving some jelly beans in his mouth every now and then, with him wincing at the sour sweet that covered his taste buds.

"Can I have one?" I whispered.

He looked at me then moved the packet over to me, I carefully picked out a purple one which he made him snicker.

"You really meant you wanted one?" He frowned as he shoved his hand back into the bag and poured it into his mouth.

I nodded as I popped it in my mouth. My eyes wandered from the screen to my boyfriend again, it must of been halftime as it showed the guys walking off the pitch all covered in sweat.

I bite my lip, maybe this could be a good time.

"I've got a jelly bean in my stomach" I grinned.

He nodded as he was now typing away on his phone. "I've got most of the bag in there" he said unaware of what I was trying to tell him.

I grabbed his wrist which gained his attention again with him just looking at me confused.  I stayed silent and placed his hand on my small growing stomach.

"I think my jelly bean is more special than all yours" I whispered as I kept my eyes on his hand.

He stayed quiet, I looked up to see him smirking at his hand and my stomach, put eyes connected with him silently questioning if I mean what he thinks.

"We're pregnant Reus" I smiled.

He instantly jumped up and pulled me up to my feet and picked me up and twirled me around making me laugh.

"We're pregnant!" He gushed as he put me down and held my head inbetween his hands. "I love you liebe" he whispered as he put his forehead on mine.

"I love you" I laughed before connecting our lips together.

He pulled away and looked around the room. "We need to get the apartment ready for our Little Prince or Princess" he announced then stopped. "We need to think of names!" Now sitting back down and looking on his phone.

"We have 9 months, to get everything ready"  I pointed out.

He looked up at me and gave me the dirtiest look known to man.

"But this baby deserves the most awesome name, I mean after all he is a Reus" he declared making me roll my eyes at him which he luckily didn't see.

We the next 9 mouths is going to be a blast.

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