Cheating? - Harry Kane

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First request done! Here you go babe EvieKane 
- if you have requested something please be patient there's a bit of a queue but I will get through them!


Evie's heart felt like it just shattered into a million and one pieces when she saw the headline in the mornings Daily Mail newspaper. It was in her morning routine for her to skim read the news on her phone while she ate her breakfast beside the window that overlooked beautiful London. Usually her boyfriend of three years would be sat opposite her, probably talking about the latest gossip from the team that he found out.

But today he was currently away in Barcelona with his teammates for a 'bonding session' which the gaffer seems to like to do mid season.

One article jumped out at her, it was a papped photo of her boyfriend cuddling up to another women, which wasn't her as they left a night club with both Eric and Dele in tow. It seemed to hurt Evie more that her boyfriend hasn't seemed to get in contact with her, especially when she knows he knows her daily routine and she has already seen the evidence. Surely he would want to quickly squash the thoughts in my mind and tell me that it was an innocent photo. Unless it was true, he has been caught red handed.

Suddenly her phone rang with an unknown number. So it begins.

She quickly cancelled the call and noticed how much notification she had from Twitter. Probably everyone is making jokes about her, she knows how these things work, they wanted a reaction from her. She instantly turned off her phone and dropped it into the biscuit tin and placed that into a cupboard.

Tears started uncontrollably fall out of her eyes, he hurt her so bad. She had this aching pain in her chest. He was the last person she'd expect to hurt her.

The sudden sound of keys in the door made her eyes prick up, she moved to the other side of the room wanting to keep space between them. Her breathe hitched as soon as Harry walked in.

He was still wearing a Nike tracksuit which was tight fitted in the right places, while his normal styled hair was currently messily placed. His cologne filled the room, the same one that usually brings her comfort is now like a sour odour which making her stomach turn.

"Here to face the music" she snapped.

He let out a sigh, as he ran his hand through his curls. "You know it's not true, it's just a-"

She cut him off by putting her hand up. "I honestly don't want to hear some bullshit story H, you were caught red handed! You weren't even sneaky about it!"

He moved towards her as she wrapped her arms around herself. "Look at me Evie" he demanded, her eyes slowly trailed up to his blue ones. "Do you really think I'd just throw three years down the drain like that?" He asked sympathetically.

"I don't know Mr Knighthood!"

His brows furrowed. "And what the fuck does that supposed to mean?"

Evie let out a sigh. "I don't know, everything that is going on with you I'm out of depths" she spoke truthfully. "God I am proud of you but I am just me H, you could get anyone, I see the DMs you receive on a daily"

"Yes I get loads of messages but I don't EVER reply to them, I don't need them when I have you Eve, whatever I achieve is because of you"

He was talking from his heart and the only response he got from the girl he loved was an eye roll which was basically like a punch in the ribs for him.

"How long have you been cheating on me for?"

"I HAVEN'T" he shouted as he stepped towards which only gained her to step away from him. "Baby I wouldn't"

"Do you always run to the same girl or have you got multiple girls you get to call?" She questioned.


She shrugged. "Do you ever sneak more than one girl up to your hotel room? Bet you and all the guys are just laughing at clueless little Evie right"

He swiped his phone from his pocket and handed it over to her. "Take it, have a look" he stated. "Check my messages, check the group chats and you'll see that no one is laughing at you and nothing is happening!"

Her gaze was on his phone that was still in his hand, his lock screen was a photo of the two of you in Russia in the summer after a match. You were wearing his jersey as he wrapped his arms around you kissing your forehead as your eyes were closed with a soft smile on your lips.

"Do you have another phone?" Her words just spilled out.

He hung his head down as he groaned, knowing this little theory of hers wasn't going to go away anytime soon.

"No I don't have another bloody phone Evie! What next are you going to be convinced I send messages to some women by bloody carrier pigeon?"

Her eyes narrowed at him as he just stared at her.

"Is this a joke to you?" She whispered.

"No, but you are being fucking ridiculous!"

Tears appeared in her eyes as she shook her head at him. "No you are fucking ridiculous! Do you know how shitty it was to find out through a newspaper that you are cheating on because you haven't got the balls to do it yourself" she spoke hitting his chest.

He grabbed her wrist to stop her. "I came back as soon as the story broke out, if it was true do you think I'd be here now!"

"You really think because you're now the nations golden balls you can get away with this! Did you think I'd just roll over and turn a blind eye to it! I've got more self respect than that" she mutters as she pulls her arm from his grasp.

He tried to grab hold of her but she managed to avoid his grasp and push away.

"Would you stop this self distrust mode for a second! I haven't cheated stop putting me on the pedal-stool that your exes are on"

She let out a dry laugh that took him by surprise. "What so you are saying that this is somehow my fault?"

"No! I'm just not your ex and I know that you are far more worth it than a quick fuck!"

She stayed quiet as she wiped tears from her hot of a mess face as she rudely barged past him.

"Where are you going now?" He asked hot on her tail as she walked towards the front door.

"I'm going to my parents, I need some time to breath" she mentioned as she grabbed her keys. "Try not to have some wild sex party while I'm gone" she muttered.

Before he could say anything she slammed the door in his face, leaving him just standing in their shared apartment.

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