Fluff Alphabet - Dele

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A- Attractive {what do they find attractive about the other?} He loves hearing your laugh, he loves how a light hearted giggle leaves your mouth before you lean back and laugh more as your eyes shut

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A- Attractive
{what do they find attractive about the other?}
He loves hearing your laugh, he loves how a light hearted giggle leaves your mouth before you lean back and laugh more as your eyes shut. He thinks you are at your most beautifulest when you let go and just laugh. 

B- Baby
{do they want a family? why/why not?}
He 100% wants babies with you always telling you "I hope they get about 80% of their looks & traits from you"

C- Cuddle
{how do they cuddle?}
He is always sneaking up behind you are wrapping his arms around your waist and hiding his face in your shoulder, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. When you go sleep each night you both share the role of being the small spoon.

D- Dates
{what are dates with them like?}
You both love finding little cute bars, coffee shops and restaurants around London, you love just being in your own little bubble and not having to worry about prying eyes. You love going bowling or mini golf.

E- Everything
{you are my ____ (e.g my life, my world...)}
You are my sunshine, she always seems to brighten his mood no matter the situation.

F- Feelings
{When did they know they were in love?}
You had been friends before your relationship so it was very much of a slow burner, but when it hit it hit like a shit ton of bricks. You both realised that everything you looked for in a person was in one another and you were sat under eachothers noses.

G- Gentle
{are they gentle? If so, how?}
He never wants to hurt, whenever he slaps your butt when you walk past him he always makes sure to be gentle.

H- Hand
{Hand/Hold how do they like to hold hands?}
He loves holding your hands, he always pulls your hand on his lap and he falls into his own world just fiddling with your fingers or rings that you were wearing.

I- Impression
{ first impression/s}
You both being friends before anything romantic, but Dele couldn't deny how he noticed how beautiful you were. And how amazing your smile was. You were quite flustered being a Spurs fan, you tried to not act like an idiot infront of him which just made him find you even more adorable.

J- Joker
{ are they into pulling pranks?}
You two are in a prank war, with Dele starting it off by throwing a bucket of cold water all over you while you were sunbathing out the garden. You got him back by leaving your phone open on a flirty message to Eric.

K- Kisses
{how do they kiss?}
Dele is always kissing your hands or your cheek, any kisses always turn passionate quickly. You have a joke where you always kiss eachother all over their face, which you usually do when Eric does because of his reaction to you both.

L- Love
{ who says I love you first?}
You say it first, it just slips out when you are leaving his house and then you are both just staring at eachother with wide eyes, before he mutters it to you kisses all over your face making you both laugh.

M- Memories
{their favourite moment together?)
Going to Winter Wonderland, you both just having the best time of your lives, going on all the rides, eating everything from the stalls, drinking a lot of alcohol. He wins you two massive toys and you both share your first kiss on the Ferris wheel at the end of the night.

N- Nickel
{do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?}
He is more sentimental in gifts, buying you photo albums filled with his favourite photos of you both or buying tickets to go on holiday during the summer break or sending you and your family or your friends.

O- Orange
{what colour reminds them of their other half?}
He loves seeing you white, he thinks you look angelic whenever you wear it. You wear white lace lingerie whenever Spurs win. He also loves you in his jersey whether it's for Spurs or England.

P- Pet Names
{what pet names do they use?}
Babes, Babycakes or Sugar are his most used nicknames for you.

Q- Quaint
{what is their favourite non-modern thing?}
He loves making photo albums filled with memories of you both, he likes having physical copies.

R - Rainy Day
{what do they like to do on a rainy day?}
When it's miserable outside you guys get in a call with Winksy, Harry and Kieran and play hours on end of fortnite (the boys mainly carrying you, as you just make them laugh as you scream and end up shooting your own teammates)

S- Sad
{how do they cheer themselves/each other up}
He gets stroppy and just wants to hug you, he lays ontop of you, using your boobs as a pillow and just moans about everything.

T- Talking
{what do they love to talk about?}
You are always talking about the news and current affairs, you try and make it light hearted because of how shit the world is. He always telling you the latest gossip with the team which you love how he always laughs as you tells you things.

U- Unencumbered
{What helps them relax?}
Just being in your arms helped him relax, he loved hearing your heartbeat calmly beat as had his head on your chest. He always loved hearing you lull him to sleep, which always made him feel like he could take on the world, with you with him.

V- Vaunt
{what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?}
He loves showing you off, always introducing everyone as 'my girl' he always having his arm around your waist protectively. Every Instagram post he's always saying how beautiful you are.

W - Wedding
{when, how, where do they propose?}
He wants to make everything perfect, he decides to take it to the next level after 3 years together, he rents out an yacht which takes out to see the dolphins before he drops down to one knee, popping the question.

X- Xylophone
{What's their song?}
Anything Ed Sheeran, he isn't the biggest fan but he just loves hearing you sing along to whatever song that has come on your Apple playlist. Whenever it comes on he instantly thinks of you.

Y- You
{the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)}
You're the Pebbles to my Bam-Bam. He's nickname is Bam-Bam as he has a tattoo of him on his arm, so it just makes sense that you are Pebbles. Plus who doesn't love The Flintstones?

Z- Zebra
{if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?}
You both really want to a pet but you don't think it's fair due to both of your work commitments, but that doesn't stop you both having names for three pets. 2 dogs and a cat for the future.

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