Shout Out To My Ex - Dele Alli

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It was currently Sunday which meant our weekly pub lunch for myself and YBFN, we started doing this 6 months ago and we haven't missed one, we go to the same pub and usually get the same full roast dinner.
"So how did your assignment go?" YBFN asked as she stirred her straw in his vodka and coke.
"I think it went well, I better at least get a pass as I did an all nighter to finish the fucker" I stated making her laugh. "I cannot wait to graduate and start working in  an hospital" I sighed.
"I'm going to remind you that you said that when you are moaning about your colleagues and work hours" she stated giving off a small smirk.
"Oh I cannot wait" I laughed knowing that she would stick to her word.
Her eyes wandered behind me with her eyebrows knitted closely together as her eyes followed someone. I was about to turn around to see who had her attention but she grabbed my hand.
"No!" She said quickly, she let out a small sigh as she kept her eyes on whoever it was. "I don't think you want to see this..... but Dele and a girl just walked in" she whispered.
My head instantly snapped towards them to see Dele standing by the bar with his hand on a brunettes lower back, he whispered something in her ear making her laugh. I felt a lump in my throat as I was seeing him for the first time after we broke it off just two months and it seems like he has already moved on from me.
"What the fuck" I groaned as I looked back at YBFN as she gave me a sympathetic look.
"He has really downgraded, she has nothing on you" she smiled as she played with the end of my hair.
I rolled my eyes at her. "You have to say that, you are my best friend"
She nodded. "But it's also the truth, you just need to pretend like you don't give a damn about him anymore and you are the happiest you have been"
I nodded as sipped my drink. "Right when I nod at you start laughing" she said.
Within that second I saw him in the corner of my eye walking past us following the waitress to a table, he kept his hand on her back and moving down to her bum when he was right infront of me making sure I could see. They sat just three tables down from us with Dele facing me.
"I don't think I can do this" I whispered as I leaned to the side so he couldn't mouth read.
"Hey, yes you can! Dele is a twat for leaving you without any explanation"
I looked over to him to see him already looking at me, I quickly looked away then heard him laugh which made butterflies appear in the pit of stomach just like what happened whenever he laughed when he was around me.
The waitress came over with our food, I tried to eat and take my mind off having my ex boyfriend with his new girlfriend just twenty steps away from us, but I couldn't help my eyes wandering back over to him. I couldn't put my finger on it but he looked a lot different in the space of two months, he had a golden tan with a tattoo on either arm.
I watched as the girl stood up and walked towards the bathroom, Dele pulled his phone out and put it to his ear speaking into it.
"I'm going to the little girls room" YBFN whispered.
"What? No?" I tried to pull her back down.
She grabbed her bag and walked off, I kept my eyes on her until she disappeared, I turned my head back around and was met by the familiar brown eyes which made me slightly jump that he was now at my table.
"Y/n" he whispered as he smiled.
I let out a sigh keeping my eyes on my plate. "What do you want? I don't think your new girlfriend would like seeing you sitting with your ex" I stated.
"I just wanted to see how are you?" He questioned.
I frowned. "Oh I am great" I said sarcastically. "You know my boyfriend of two years split up with me just two months ago without an explanation, then when I see him for the first time he has got himself a new fake bimbo"
He stayed quiet, his eyes found mine making him let out a deep sigh. "The boys set me up with her, I didn't really want to go but they want me to be happy again, I haven't been the same since we broke up" he explained.
"That's bullshit, I don't see Eric here holding a gun to your head." I took a small breath. "Wwhy.... why did you leave me?" I questioned.
He sat up putting his elbows on the table. "I didn't want to hold you back, it wasn't fair how I was hardly around and when I was you were too busy for me" he whispered. "I know you didn't want the whole glamour with me but with people getting more and more interested in me on the pitch it got more off the pitch as well" he explained.
I squeezed my eyes closed. "I..." I began.
"You don't need to say anything pickle" he whispered using the same nickname. "I just hate that I hurt you  it I was trying to look after you"
Before I could say anything a voice appeared. "Babe is everything alright?" The brunette appeared smiling at Dele and giving me a dirty look.
I grabbed my jacket and stood up. "I'll leave you guys too it"
"Y/n..." he said standing up, making the girl look between us both.
I shook my head. "We live different lives Del, this would of never worked out" I explained making him look down at his hands, I stepped towards him and kissed his cheek. "I'm still your biggest fan" I whispered.
"I cannot wait to see you when you are looking after me when I'm injured, remember to give me banoffee pie" he laughed remembering that what we used to always say.
I smiled at the girl and walked towards YBFN who was standing by the bar watching the whole situation play out.
"Awww" she gushed pulling me into a hug. "Come on let's go home and watch movies and eat our own body weight in icecream and sweets" she suggested.
We walked towards the door, before we left I peered over to Dele who was still watching me as the girl was telling him something.

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