'CockBlocks' - Koke

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I've forgotten who requested this, but I hope you enjoy 🙂


Maria and Koke have been married for four year, they met a few years prior when they met when their lives crossed paths unexpectedly when they were both holidaying in Dubai. The best thing in their life was definitely when they started their family, first having twins Matteo and Thiago,3 who spend most of their time with either a paint brush in their hands or a football by their feet. They then got a little princess Penelopé,1, and they both new their life was complete.

They'd be lying if they didn't admit that their life turned into a hectic mess, with the two of them running after their children. Making sure that the two boys weren't being too rough around their little sister or if they weren't painting on the cream walls around their Madrid home. And when they weren't following their children around their house they were being taxis for them, taking them to and from school and daycare, then football practice and karate class for the boys and dance for the little princess.

"Matteo and Thiago calm down and eat your dinner!" Koke demanded as he gave them a stern look.

Which usually made them settle down instantly and do what they were told.

"Mama" Penelope cried as she had food stuck on her face.

"Oh my god!" Maria gasped which Koke was just trying his best not to laugh.

Maria started to clean her daughter up while the vote bounced up and ran off to play. Once she was cleaned up she placed the toddler down and watched her walk off.

"Would you change this for anything else?" He smiled as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

She turned herself around and caressed his slightly stubbled chin. "This is even better than I dreamed it would"

A small smirk appeared on his face. "And you call me cheesy" he laughed.

She giggled as she brought her nose to her husbands and rubbed them together before gently kissing him.

"EEEEEEWWWWW!" A shriek appeared which made them pull away from eachother to see Matteo with a disgusted look on his face.

"What's wrong bud?" Koke pulled away from his wife and scooped his son up into his arms.

Maria's hand instantly went through his brunette hair. "We want you to play football with us" he smiled up at him.

No matter how many times Maria sees her husband interact with the kids, her heart still bursts with pride.

"Can we play football Mama?" He questioned making the two give her doe eyes.

"Yes, just not in the house and not for too long" she suggested.

Koke put the boy down and watched him bounce off as he shouted at his twin that they were allowed. His arm snakes around his wife's hips again and continue the kiss which made them both smile into each other. They got too into the moment with Maria's arms snaked around his shoulder as their lips moved perfectly insync.


He let out a small groan making her giggle. "Why are my kids such cock blocks" he grumbled before he walked off in a huff.

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