Harry Winks

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"Did you have to invite them both together?" Eric frowned at Dele who instantly put his hands up.

Currently there was a stand off between Winks and Brooke as they weren't on the best of terms as friends. Eric introduced the two together and they very quickly realised how different they were. Everything one person thought the other had a completely different outlook on it- which leaded up to arguments. Very stupid petty arguments.

The latest one was Brooke mentioning the pitch invader at the Champions League Final which Winks seemed to get distracted by for a few seconds, which he wasn't too happy about.

"Well as I got here first, I think Brooke should leave" Winks mumbled into his drink.

The young girl rolled her eyes at the spurs midfielder. "Oh bite me Winks- and if either of us should leave it's you because you are a buzzkill" she smirked.

"She isn't wrong" Dele agreed.

Eric frowned over at him. "Guys isn't this getting boring can't you just bury the hatchet?"

They both looked at each other before Winks scoffed. "Tell her to apologise then"

Both Dele and Eric looked over at the female. "Apologise for what?"

"You said I was a shit footballer"

Brooke nodded slowly. "That's because you are"

"You said you hoped Granit Xhaka breaks my leg"

Eric frowned looking at his friend. "Really B?"

She shook her head. "Actual I said be careful out there against the better side of North London" she pointed out. "And then I said careful that Xhaka doesn't break your legs" she muttered.

"I still cannot believe you support those traitors" Dele mumbled.

"Also can I point out you have said some shit about me too" Brooke pointed out ignoring Dele's disgusted facial expression to her.

Winks frowned. "Everything I said about you is true"

"Well last time I checked my head isn't the size of a hot air balloon"

He shrugged. "Well it should be the amount of times you are checking yourself in the mirror"

Eric and Dele let out a dramatic sigh. "Alright lets not start World War three before dinner, let's leave that until afterwards shall we" Eric smiled.

"Honestly can you guys just fuck already, it'll be easier for everyone" Dele pointed out, making Brooke hit the back of his head before skipping ahead with Eric to get themselves a table in the restaurant.


Both Harry and Brooke managed to not start another argument during dinner which Eric was more than pleased about. After the main and the dessert there was a comfortable quietness between the three footballers and their friend, Brooke rested her head on Dele's shoulder about to fall into a food coma while Dele was snapping photos of the two of them.

Harry sat quietly opposite watching the two of them, he'd be lying if he didn't think Brooke was a good looking girl. She'd be everything he'd look for in a girl, that is until she opens her mouth and she is this big headed know it all. He didn't understand why his teammates liked her that much.

A small smile appeared on his lips as he watched Dele poke her nose making her eyes open before the two were slapping eachother.

"You like her don't you" Eric whispered beside him.




Eric smiled at him. "You just like seeing her riled up for some reason"

"She's a dickhead"

"She thinks the same about you" he pointed out.

Harry looked over the two again now seeing them whispering to each other, Brooke was smiling at him and pulling funny faces while he was just mumbling at her, not really sure that she was 100% listening.

They shortly played for the bill after arguments between Eric and Brooke who was paying, which ended up Dele just footing for the bill. The four of them were walking towards the lift, they all piled in with Brooke instantly fixing her hair which Eric messed up. Suddenly a few people wanted to meet Eric and Dele which made them exit the lift leaving Harry and Brooke inside.

The door closed leaving the two awkwardly stood beside eachother, there were soft elevator music playing. Brooke bite her lip not really knowing what to do or say, she slyly looked over at him and saw him just staring at the floor numbers.

"So do you come here often" she joked.

She noticed his jaw clench before he looked over at her.

His brown eyes looking at her feeling like he could see deeply into her soul.

The elevator came to a sudden stop making the lights briefly cut out. After a few minutes of panic between the two and them arguing what they are going to do, they got in contact with the restaurant and they said they'll get it sorted in the next ten minutes.

Harry looked down at Brooke was curled up in the corner, he stepped towards her and sat beside her.

"Hey I know you don't like confide spaces but I promise you it will be alright" he whispered.

"Why did I have to get stuck in here with you" she muttered.

A small frown appeared on his face. "Hey atleast you're not alone, god knows how long we will really be in here for"

He instantly realised he shouldn't of said that but it was too late because she was in a full blown panic attack now. He managed to get her up on her feet and got her to stare into his eyes and made her copy his breathing as he took deep breaths, he silently wished that Dele or Eric were here as they knew what worked.

Atleast a minute went by and her heart rate was back to normal, she nodded at him making him let go of her face. She felt her bottom lip quiver and her eyes begin to tear up.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's ok"

They slowly hugged each other, there bodies moulding into each other. She hid her face into his shoulder as his aftershave filled her nostrils. His hand found her back as he gently rubbed it hoping it'll calm her down again.

"I'm sorry for being a shit to you, everything I said I didn't mean" she whispered.

"I know- me too"

They pulled away from each other. "Can we just be friends?"

He didn't respond for a moment which worried her, that if he decided that he didn't want anything to do with her that meant both Dele and Eric would spend less time with her. Knowing they'll be on his side.

"I've been meaning to ask, if you want to come on a date with me?"

She opened her mouth but nothing came out, instead her lips found his and they kissed.

A voice suddenly appeared making them pull away. "Guys! I hope you haven't killed each other because we will have you out in any moment"

"I reckon Brooke would win against Winks" Dele appeared. "Now that's a fight I'd pay for" he mumbled.

Brooke turned to Harry and quickly packed his cheek. "So where we going for the first date?"

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