Jealous Friend

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You were sitting on the couch, being bored. Luke's on his way home. You couldn't wait to see him again. Those months without Luke were hell. Especially when you were trying to call your best friend to hang out because you two didn't saw eachother for ages. Normally you two were always together. Always. There was no y/f/n without a y/n by her side. But when you tried to call her a couple of days ago, this happened.

*Flashback* Boom*Zapp*Clapp* (what am I even doing)

You woke up alone, with nobody by your side. 'god I miss Luke' you mumbled to yourself. 'But hey, it's been so long that I saw y/f/n , maybe I should call her. But, first, breakfast.' While breakfast, you couldn't stop thinking about Luke. Same sh*t everyday. 'Would he think about me too? Would he be still asleep or does he almost need to go to bed? Time differences are so annoying. I don't even know where he is now, so confusing. But one thing is sure, he's having the best time of his life and is happy, so I should be too.' After you put away the dishes, you brush your teeth, did your hair in a messy bun and you get dressed. After you got dressed, you went to sit on the couch. 11am. You grabbed your phone and called your friend. After a few minutes she answered.

"Hello? Who's this?" she said. "Hi y/f/n,it's y/n!!" you said with an enthousiast voice. "Oh... y/n. Why do you call me?" she said with no single emotion. "I thought it was such a long time ago and I'm here all alone because Luke is on tour and-" y/f/n sighs. "Luke,... So, when he's not around, you suddenly need me?" "No,of course not, but I just wanna know why we don't hang out anymore and why you're avoiding me." "It's because of Luke y/n! He has simply taken you away from me!"

" So you hate him or what?" "I don't but he's not my friend, at all! I never liked him. And i'll never will. How ridiculous is it to have a boyfriend that's never home?" she said really harsh. "Well y/f/n I'm sorry but I'm madly in love with him. We skype,call,text or tweet eachother everyday. We love eachother. It's ok to be jealous or something but-" "I'm not jealous at all y/n, I don't care anymore. I hope you have fun in your house all alone" that comment hit you like a truck. That she was your best friend... "Well y/f/n, It was nice knowing you but I don't think I know you anymore. What happened to you? Goodbye y/f/n." you said and hung up. I never want to see her face again. Atleast you've got other friend who you can trust. You decided to say nothing about this to Luke until he gets home. End of flashback.

You woke up from your flashback and heard a noice. The door! You run as fast as you can to the door and hug Luke as tight and as long as you can. "I missed you" you said. "I missed you too babe." he said and gave you a kiss. "I missed these too" he said. You giggled. "Let me help you to unpack all of this." you said and pointed to Luke's suitcase.

After you two unpacked Luke his clothes and alot of gifts from fans, you sat down. "Remember y/f/n?" you said. "Yeah, she's kind of a rude person... But she's okay, why?"

"I called her today and she was like so mad at me and you. I asked her why and she said we shouldn't be together, and now I think you think the same way and I-" you said but Luke interrupted you. "y/n, I would never think that. I love you. But why was she mad?"

"She said I'm always alone and that you're never home and that it's ridiculous that we're a couple..." you said,feeling like your about to cry.

"Don't think about what she said, you know I'll always be there for you and that you'll always be my princess. I know I'm not that much home and I miss you alot but we skype,call or text everyday,without all of that I would never go on tour because then I would never see your beautiful face, and that hurts. I love you y/n,remember that." he said with his sweet and a little bit husky voice that you missed.

"I love you too Lukey."

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