Bruised / request

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sorry I upload this one so late! I'm super busy, hope you don't mind... I'm truly sorry, love x

I made it a bit longer than my other imagines because I felt so sorry ... 💕


'Do we really need to do this?', you ask, almost whispering to your boyfriend. You don't dare to look at him. 

'Mackenzie, how many times do I need to tell you this?', he says and pauses. 'You're coming!' he yells.

You absolutely don't like it when your boyfriend is angry at you. He can get totally aggressive. 

'Sorry, I-', You wanted to say some lame excuse like you'd always do. 'Just shut up will you?!' Your boyfriend yells back which causes you to look at him. You're getting angry, too.

'I won't', you reply, but it seemed like you were not really sure about your answer. 'Say that again?!'

You sighed. 'I won't, you reply, being a little bit more sure.

'Still can't hear you, just speak up', he replied. He mumbled 'annoying bitch' to himself which you clearly heard.

You were getting really angry by now. 'I said I fucking won't shut up!' You yell back. 

You absolutely don't like getting all the attention so arguing in the middle of a public place wasn't really fun to do. But this time, you didn't care at all. You had to get it out of your chest. 

'Oh and, I like it when you call me an annoying bitch. Really, so nice', you say. You weren't finished though.

'I'm tired of your shit, yourboyfriendsname. I hate it when you take me to places I don't want to be. I hate the way you treat me. You treat me like I'm your dog. It seems like you only love me to show people you have a girlfriend', you said really fast. You wanted to get it out as soon as possible.

'Oh and, in case you don't know yet, we're breaking up. Just go to your friends and tell them that, will you? And good luck finding a girlfriend after I tell everyone what kind of a douche bag you are', you say and turn around, ready to walk away.

That didn't go as simple as you thought it would be. He pulled you back and yelled in your face. He insulted you many times as 'stupid', 'bitch' and 'slut.'

You were starting to get tears in your eyes. 'Fuck you, Mackenzie.'

And with that being said, he slapped you right in the face and pushed you away. You started crying and started running. Running away from him. 

Words he said, which hurted you, were running through your head. You started crying even harder.

Your vision was all blurry but you didn't care. You just wanted to get home real quickly to throw his stuff out of your apartment.

Suddenly, you bumped into someone.

By your surprise, he seemed to know you.

'Wait...' the person said. 'Mackenzie?'

You didn't wanted to look up, because you probably looked like shit. 'Yeah?'

'It's Luke', the person replied. 'Luke?' You replied, almost questioning it. Luke was your best friend but when you started dating yourboyfriendsname, you guys didn't had contact for really long. Luke warned you about him, though.

'What's wrong?' He asks you. 

'I-I broke up with yourboyfriendsname', you replied. You looked up and saw him smiling. You rolled your eyes afterwards and stood up. 'Listen, I don't want to hear you saying 'I told you so' so I'm leaving', you replied, ready to leave.

'No, Mack, wait', he replied. You stood still and turned around again. 'I wasn't smiling because I wanted to tell you that.'

'Then why you were?' 'Because I'm glad you're single now', he replied while coming closer to you.

'Look, I love you, Mackenzie', he said which caused you to be speechless. 'Y-you do?' 

'I really do. The past months without you were horrible. But, I'm thankful. In those months I discovered I am in love with you. I was trying to get you out of my mind but I couldn't. I couldn't. I'm so glad you're back, Mack', he said. You just stood there, still speechless.

You quickly hugged Luke and started crying. 'I missed you so much', you said. And with this time, you realized you have the same feelings for him. You hated not being around him. Of course you did hung out with him. But when your boyfriend found out, he would beat you. You didn't dare to do it again.

You love Luke. You really do.

And suddenly, your lips connected.

'This is how real kissed of love are like', you thought to yourself and you smiled.





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