Cheating x2 ?

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'He did what?' You can't believe what Michael just told you. 'I am sorry,Jasmine. I just, I just thought I needed to tell you.' Michael says. Tears are streaming down your face. 'So, he had sex with a girl he didn't even knew?!' You say being really angry. You can't believe Luke did that to you. You're always true to him and then he does that? 'Michael, I don't know what to do' you say sobbing. 'Shhh, Jasmine, you know I am always here for you. Everything is going to be alright' he says while rubbing your back. 'But Michael, he told me he's with his family now, but what if he's with some girl?' You ask him, still crying. 'Don't think about that Jasmine.' He says hugging you. 'I am always here for you. I know Luke's my mate but he did a wrong move.' He says rubbing your back while hugging you. 


'what the hell?!' You and Michael sit there in shock. You both turn around and see Luke standing in the doorway. 'What is this? Jasmine, what the hell?!' He says, anger in his voice. You look at him with an angry look. 'Luke, no. I am not the one cheating,here.' You snap. 'What is this then?' He says furious. 'Michael comforting me.' 'What's that for?' 'Ugh,Luke. Just go to that girl you fucked.' You snap. 'What the fuck do you mean,Jasmine?' He says. 'Don't lie to me!' You yell.


'Jasmine,please! I was drunk okay?' 'Just leave' you calmy say. 'But,Jasmine.-' He starts off. 'Luke,go.' 

'But-' 'Just leave okay?!!' You yell. He looks at you with a sad expression. He walks to the frontdoor and looks at you one more time before he closes the door. 

- the next day-

You must admit, you miss Luke. But you can't forget what he did. You didn't even knew but you were crying again. Because you feel so alone, you decide to call Michael. 

'Hey,Jasmine' 'Michael,can you please come over' you say. 'sure, I'll be there in a minute' he says, being his cheerfull self. 

A few minutes later, someone knocked on your door. It was Michael. 'Hey there' he says , giving you a hug. 'come in' you mumble while faking a smile. 'No fake smiles here' he says as you close the door behind him. 'sorry' you mumble again. 

'Listen, Here's a note for you. It was outside your house. I just picked it up. It has your name on it though' He says while handing you a little piece of paper. You open it and see in a messy handwriting 'walk outside to the small shop on the corner' it says. You raise your eyebrow. 

You walk outside to the little shop. You see a familiar face. Calum. 'Here' he says handing you another paper. 'It has your name on it, so weird' he says. It says: Where's Ashton? Go find him.'

You say a quick thank you to Calum and you walk away from him. Suddenly, you see a familiar person running. Ashton. 'Ashton,stop.' you yell at him. He doesn't stop. You run after him. You come closer and closer. 'Ashton' you say. He turns around and smiles at you. 'Jasmine!' he says happily. 'Yeah, hand me that tiny piece of paper please' you say. 'Nice to see you too Jasmine' he says while handing you a tiny piece of paper. Go back to your house.

You quickly run back to your house where Michael normally is. You knock on the door. When the door opens you quickly say 'Michael,dude, what is all of this?' But when you look up, you don't see Michael but Luke. 'Wait,Luke?' 

Without saying anything , he hands you a letter. You open it. 

Jasmine, I am truly. I don't know what was wrong with me. I know a 'sorry' isn't enough, I know that. But please, give me another chance. I'll never do something like that again. Ever. And I truly mean it. I love you so much,Jasmine. Luke'

You look at Luke, tears in your eyes. 'I love you , Luke.'

'Does this mean you forgive me?' Luke says with hope in his eyes. 'Kind of. But, I can forgive but I can't forget' 'Jasmine, I promise you, I will never ever do something stupid like that again. I mean it'

'Okay. And indeed, you're stupid. My stupid boyfriend.' You say and wink. 


Hope you liked it!

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