Feeling Insecure

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You're in front of your closet, trying on some clothes you're going to wear today. You're trying on different kind of things but in all of them, you feel too fat. You start to cry and feel so insecure. You start to think about all those bad comments fans send you on twitter. About everything. You feel insecure about everything. Even your hands and ears. Does Luke even likes me? Am I too fat for him? Am I?


'Jordyn?' A voice says. It's Luke. 'What's wrong,babe?' He says worried. You look at him and start to cry even harder. 'I'm sorry' you say. 'For what?' Luke grabs your hand and rubs it with his finger. You look him in the eyes for the first time he came in. 'For not being the perfect girl.' you say sobbing. 

'Jordyn,babe, you are perfect. You're my perfect girl!' he says. 'Luke, you only say that to cheer me up. I know I am not.' you say seriously. 'But you are,babe.' 'no, I am not. I don't feel good with this body, I feel fat!' You blurt out. Luke was shocked by what you just said. 'No.' He simply said. 'Jordyn, weight doesn't define you.' He says and gives you a kiss on your hand. 'I'm with you for a reason. You're absolutely amazing and you're the sweetest person I've ever met in my life. You're the love of my life,Jordyn' he says. You look at him and you smiled a little. 'See?' He says while pointing at your smiling face. 'That's that beautiful smile!' he says.

 'Please,Jordyn, never be insecure again. You're such a gorgeous girl. It hurts me to see you sad too.' He says while poking your cheek. You smile. 'Keep that smile on your beautiful face, my love.' he says. 'Okay, now you're overreacting,Luke' you say laughing. 'You can't stop me,Jordyn' he says with this cheeky smile which makes you already a lot happier. 'I love you Luke' you say and you give a quick peck on his lips. He smiles. 'I love you too Jordyn. I'll always do' He kisses you again but this time longer. 


Hi love! I hope you liked it and it kind of was how you wanted it to be? Let me know! 

Oh and, look at the picture at the side! I think it's beautiful! :) Just like you guys, hehe! 

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