Drunk Discusssion pt 2!

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You wake up, with an headache. You're having an awful feeling.

What happened? You touch your face and you have an awful pain at your cheek. Then you realize what happened last night, you had a fight with Luke and he slapped you. You hate fighting so you want to solve it, but this time, he went too far.

You open the door - which you locked the other night - and walk downstairts. You can see there's no sign of Luke. You walk to the kitchen and you see a little note.

'Jess, I'm sorry I acted like a complete ass. I hope you can forgive me. I do understand if you' won't. But please, give me a chance. We can work this out. I love you. I really do. Love, Luke' 

He never did this. Never. You think about it for a while while you're eating breakfast. He really means it. You grab your phone and you can already see 10 unread messages from him and 2 missed calls. You read the messages he send you and you immediately reply. 'Come over' you simply text him.


5 minutes later, someone knocks on the door. You immediately open the door and you see a messy haired Luke with red puffy eyes from crying. 'Hey' you say. 'I'm so sorry' is the only thing he could say. 'Just, come in' you say and close the door behind him. 'Jessica, I'm so sorry I did that to you. I'm the worst boyfriend ever and I know that. I should've gone home and cuddled with you and talked and kiss you. I was drunk. And very stupid' he says. 'And I can't live a life without you. Please, give me another chance' he pleads.

A tear is streaming down your face. Instead of answering, you give him a quick peck on his lips. 'I love you too,Luke. I want to give you another chance but please, don't fuck it up.' you say. 'I won't, I won't. And I think I won't drink alcohol for a while' he says which makes you smile. You cuddle him. 'Oh, how I missed your cuddles.' he says and kisses your forehead. 'And oh, how I missed you' You say and kiss him again.


This was part two! hope you all liked it! Lots of love! x

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