Accidental meeting

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Hi! Remember when I told you I would write a second chapter for 'Proposed'? Well, here it is! But before you read it, it's not really what happens after 'Proposed.' It's when Luke and you met at the hotel. Get it? Yeah? Start reading then! If you don't, check 'Proposed' again and you'll get me. Lots of love x


'Yeah, mum', you say while walking into the beautiful hotel with your suitcase behind you. 'I will, mum', you say, talking to your mum over the phone. It's the first time you travelled all by yourself. You're really excited, proud but a bit anxious. But everyone is when they travel for the first time, right?

'Okay, bye mum, love you too', you say as you hang up. You smile at your phone and put it in your backpocket. You walk over to the women behind the desk, ready to check in.

The women kindly smiles at you. 'Room for?' she asks. You see on her name tag her name is Kira. She has black hair and brown eyes. She has a lovely smile and seems a very kind person.

'Your full name', you say and smile kindly back at her. 'Alright, mrs. your last name,' she starts off and smiles at you to make sure you're listening. 'This is your key, don't lose it or you won't be able to get into your room, okay?' Kira says, this time a bit more serious. You nod and put the key in your backpocket carefully. 'Have a nice day', she adds and smiles. 'Thanks, you too', you reply and smile back.

You walk over to the elevator but when you see he's almost closing, you run but are too late. The door closed.

Suddenly, the door opens again and reveals a boy with dark blonde hair with a cute smile. You blush a little. 'Sorry about that, stupid elevator doors', he says which makes you laugh a little.

You walk into the elevator with your suitcase right behind you and look at the boy. He isn't looking at you so you decided to check him out a bit.

Starting by his head. He has a hat on backwards which reveals a little bit of his dark blonde hair. He has the most blue eyes you've ever seen. His lips look soft and sweet.

You're staring session ends when you hear someone laugh. You saw it was him. 'Love to stare, huh?' he says which makes you blush. You don't dare to look at his beautiful face again, which is a shame because you maybe won't see him again. You quickly grab your phone to check what time it is and  to not make it more awkward between the two of you.

You put your phone away in your backpocket when you see you arrived at the floor your hotelroom is. When the elevator door opens, you smile at his direction and he smiles back. 'Nice to meet you, uh?' He says, obviously not knowing your name.

'Y/n', you say and smile. 'yours?'

He was going to answer you but the elevator doors closed. Stupid elevator doors.

You walk over to your room. You remembered the number. Room 313.

You smile as you stand in front of the door. You start to think where you've left your key. Right, your backpocket. You feel into your backpocket but, it's not there. 'My other backpocket then', you mumble.


You slightly start freaking out when you can't find your key, the voice of the lady at the desk - Kira - in your mind. 'Shit', you whisper yell.

'Looking for something?' A kind of familiar voice asks behind you. You turn around, not amused at all but when you see who's standing right behind you, a smile appears on your face. Especially when you saw what he was holding. A key from room 313.

'Thank god!' you almost yell out of happiness, especially because he found it. You hug him out of excitement but when you realise what you're doing, you quickly back off. 'Sorry', you mumble awkwardly and smile shyly at the ground.

'It's okay', he laughs. You find the urge to look at him in the eyes again.

'Luke', he suddenly says which makes you raise your eyebrow. 'That's my name', he adds. Now you know what he's talking about, those stupid elevator doors closed right when he was about to say his name.

'Nice to meet you, Luke', you say as you smile. As soon as he smiles back while looking right into your eyes, you start to blush again, looking at the ground.

'Don't look at the ground when you blush, Y/n, it's cute', he says while slowly raising your head so you're looking in his eyes again.

And that, was how you met your fiancé, Luke.


as you can tell, this imagine is slightly longer than my others. I really enjoyed writing this one! I hope you enjoyed reading it?

PS: if you have fun things you really want to me to write, comment them down below!

Lots of love x

Luke Hemmings ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now