Hide and awe.

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A/N : woah! It's been a while since I uploaded a new part! Ugh, school. But, here's a new imagine guys! :D I'm sorry if it's shitty or crappy! :) xoxo

"5,4,3,2,1, I'm going to find youuuu!" you said. You and your 4 year old daughter were playing hide and seek.

 You started searching for her. You looked under every table, in the living room, in the kitchen, in every room. Except... the bedroom you and Luke share. You looked under the bed you and Luke share, behind the door,but no little kid. 

Then you realized she couldn't be anywhere else than the closet! 

You slowly opened the closet and you stood there in awe. Your daughter stood there with a Nirvana shirt on and a flannel from Luke. Cutest thing you've ever saw.

"Look,mommy,I'm little daddy!" your daughter said giggling. You decided to take a pic of your daughter who looked so extremly cute and send it to Luke. He wasn't home, he was on tour. Louise, your daughter, and you missed Luke so much. 

"Mommy?" Louise asked. "Yes sweetie?" 

"When is daddy coming back?" she asked you. It just hurts every time to tell her her dad isn't home, but he loves his job and he loves doing what he's doing. 

"Soon, sweetie, soon." you said and smiled at your beautiful daughter. She had those sparkly blue eyes from her dad and that cute little dimple too. She has your hair and nose. She just looks so adorable. 

Everyday, around 6pm, you and Luke always skype together. So, when it was 6pm, you got a call from Luke. That's the thing you loved about him. He's always right on time. Never too early, never too late. 

"Hi babe! How are you doing? I miss you so much!" he said. Gosh, you missed his voice so much. "I'm fine. How's tour?" you asked. "Really cool. It's so fun to see all the fans and to perform. But, I miss you guys alot. I can't wait to see my two favourite persons again. How's Louise?" he asked. "Too cute. As always." you said and winked. That made him laugh. 

"Today we played hide and seek and she was hide in our closet and when I found her, she was wearing your nirvana shirt and one of your flannels. That was just the cutest thing ever. I don't know if you saw the pic?" you asked him.

"Yes, yes I saw it. It's actually my lockscreen right now, oops." he said and started laughing. "Wish I could hug you Y/N." He said. It made you smile. "I wish I could do the same, Luke." He smiled. 

"Mommy? Is that daddy? Daddy!!!!!" your daughter said. "Hi Louise! How are you? Wow,you're so beautiful today! Who did your hair so pretty?" he said with a huge smile. You could see Luke was very tired. 

"M-mommy did. I miss you daddy." she said. "Lukeeee? Awh is that little Louise??" you heard. Suddenly Ashton,Michael and Calum popped on screen. "Hi Louise,How's my fave little girl doing?" Ashton said with a smile on his face. Louise giggled. "Fine uncle Ash hihi!" she said. 

After a couple minutes of skyping, the boys had to go. You and Louise watched some movies. When it was bedtime you and Louise went to bed. You went to bed early, because you were exhausted. 

"Goodnight my little girl." you said and pouted your lips to Louise. She gave you a little kiss and said "Goodnight mommy, I love you." A couple of minutes later, you both fell asleep.

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