Dream Prom.Pt2

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A/N: Here's part 2! <3 Because this is such a fun imagine to write I'm going to write it in 3 parts, whoohooooo!


Surprisingly enough, you were awake before your alarm went off. You couldn't wait to go to school. You couldn't wait to see Luke again. Your crush for him was getting bigger and bigger because of yesterday.

 You got dressed,did your hair, you applied a bit of mascara onto your lashes, ate something and you were ready to go to school. You grabbed your backpack and left. You were really early at school. Even earlier than your best friend. 

But, no, you were wrong.

 In the distance you saw your best friend at a bench with Calum, you recognized him by his hair. There was a boy with a guitar with them as well.

Wait? Is that Luke? Yes,it was Luke. 

He was playing on his guitar in front of Y/F/N and Calum. You couldn't be more jealous and mad at Y/F/N. You were reading a book so you didn't looked like you had nothing to do.

 Okay, actually you had nothing to do, except for being pissed. You wanted to be sure what is happening over there so you look up, suddenly Calum looks at you, then Y/F/N and then Luke. Sh*t. 

You thought they wouldn't see you because there was a lot of people standing in groups next and in front of you.

As soon as Luke saw you he said something to Calum and then came to me. "Can I?" Luke said and pointed at the bench where you sat. "Yeah,sure." you said and smiled at him. 

You caught him blush a little, you thought that was the cutest thing ever. You giggled. "What's wrong?" he said. "You're very cute if you blush." you say. Now he blushed even harder. You took his cheek and woah, it was burning

"You're hot, wow." "Did you just called me hot?" Luke said with a cheeky smile on his face. 

"GOD DAMMIT LUKE! I meant your cheek!" you said and you two couldn't stop laughing. 

The schoolbell rang. 

You and Luke walked together to your class together with Michael, a good friend of Luke. He's the funniest human being, seriously. You talked and laughed at Michael's jokes together with Luke until the teacher arrived. After a couple of lessons it was lunch break, yes!

 You didn't know where to sit, so you just asked if you could sit next to some sweet girls from your class because you couldn't see Michael and Luke somewhere. When you sat down suddenly everyone was quiet and someone started playing guitar but you couldn't see anyone play guitar which was pretty weird. Suddenly you hear someone calling your name right next to you. 

LUKE?! He's playing guitar, right next to you, where did he come from?

He looked you in the eyes with his shiny blue eyes and started singing a song. 

As Long As You Love Me. 

You thought it was the cutest thing someone EVER did to you. The whole song he looked you in the eyes. It was so beautiful.  

You didn't realize you were crying until you felt that your cheeks were all wet. You're just such an emotional mess. He smiled at you. 

When he finished the song,  he looked you in the eyes and said "Y/N, I already liked you a long time ago and I never dared to tell you, but because prom is coming and you told me you had no one to go with, I decided to ask you. So, Y/N, will you go to the prom with me?" he said with a smile on his face. 

"Yes! of course!" you said being extremly happy. You two hugged eachoher and everyone awed. Oh yeah, you forgot that everyone was watching, yeah, they saw you crying as well.

"Listen, Y/F/N told me why you two are having an argument but, she didn't wanted to steal me or something, she was helping me with all of this." 

Oh. My. God.  

"I'll be right back." you said and went searching for Y/F/N.

 There she was, sitting at a table with Calum and some other people. As soon as she saw you, and you saw her you both said "I'm sorry!" 

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you." "No,I'm sorry for being such a jealous b*tch!...Forgive me?" 

"Of course! Gosh I missed your crazyness even though it were two days without you." she said to you.


You and Y/F/N looked at Calum and you bursted out laughing. 

When school was over you decided to ask Y/F/N to come to your place, you talked soooo much, it felt like you haven't saw eachother for a year. When you two arrived at your home and went to your room, Y/F/N took a seat on your bed and you on a chair. 

"So... What's up with Calummmmm?" you asked with a cheeky smile and your eyebrows raised. 

Your best friend started blushing like crazy. 

"Just admit it, you like him." you said. "Okay,yes,yes I do. Guess what?!" she said very excited. 


"He asked me for prom!!" "No way!" you said. 

"Yes! This is going to be the best prom ever!" you said.

See you for part 3 :)

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