Luggage Mistake pt2

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You're walking around your hotelroom, thinking about this 'Luke Hemmings.' 

It's weird to like a boy by just hearing his voice, y/n what are you thinking. 

You walk back to the place where you came from.

Maybe he'll think I'm some sort of weird girl for stealing his luggage.

You walk back.

What if he's the most handsome guy I've ever seen? Like, ever?!

You sigh and sit down on your bed, waiting for him to come. Waiting to see him. The person you've only heard his voice from. 

Oh and, not to forget, the person you - accidentally - stole his luggage from.

You sighed again and wanted to get up to look at yourself for one last time in the mirror. To check if everything's okay about your hair. Wanted to check if your makeup was still good. But then, someone knocked on your door.

You quickly walked over to the door but when you opened the door, you were in shock.

'Roomservice', the guy who obviously worked at the hotel said while smiling. You sighed, rolled your eyes and blankly said 'wrong room' while closing the door.

You do know that what you did wasn't quite polite but when you were expecting some guy, you can get quite irritated.

Right after you closed the door, there was another knock. You rolled your eyes and walked back. You quickly opened the door again. 

When you opened it, you were furious. 'I said wrong-' You stopped talking when you realized it wasn't the guy from the hotel anymore. Your cheeks were getting red and hot. You were embarrassed. 

A tall, handsome boy was looking at you with a confused expression on his face. 'Hi...', he said a bit shy. He was obviously a bit uncomfortable because you just yelled at him.

You stood there, still in shock. Luke Hemmings was freaking hot. You thought to yourself. And I freaking yelled at him! 

'Hi', you said, still shocked. 'Look, I'm sorry I just wanted to-' He said but you cut him off. 'No! You're not the one who's supposed to be sorry, I am! I'm sorry I yelled at you, Luke.'

You could see by the look on his face he was a bit more comfortable by now. Probably because you just spoke and you didn't yelled at his face.

'It's okay, uhm, so, here's your luggage?' He said, and made it sound like a question. You smiled at him. 'Yeah, here's yours', you said while you both handed each others luggage.

You looked up - yeah, he's a lot taller than you are - and saw his beautiful blue eyes. You could actually drown in it.

'Could you?' You woke up out of your thoughts and saw Luke smirking at you. He could obviously tell by your expression you didn't know what he was talking about. 'Could you really drown into my eyes?' He said and winked. 

Your cheeks turned red, again. 'Well Luke, I must say, you're one special guy.' Now it was his time to be confused. You smiled.

'You're the only guy who could make me blush twice in less than 5 minutes', you said which made him smirk. 'I feel honored', he said and winked.

Well, this might be not such of a surprise but.... you blushed again. 'That makes three times', he said and his smirk grew even wider.

'Have a good night, y/n', he said and closed the door behind him. 

You wanted to tell him so much, wanted to know him. But no, he disappeared. He disappeared into the long hallway. Back to his own hotel.

You sighed and turned around, facing your luggage. You opened it and saw a white piece of paper in it. You raised your eyebrows and took it out.

In a messily handwriting, there was written: 

'call me?' and his number underneath.

Well, this luggage mistake wasn't such a mistake after all.




I just wanted to let you know I love you guys a whole lot and that I really appreciate you guys being so sweet and stuff. Thank you!

Oh and, I hope you enjoyed part 2 which makes the final part :) I loooooved writing this part! 


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