Drunk Discussion

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You're stitting on the couch, waiting until Luke comes home. Normally, he should've been home right now. He is just back from tour. You missed him so much - still. He texted you he could be later. 'I'm going to have a drink with the boys, I'll be back soon x' he texted you. You were glad he arrived all well and save but you were pretty sad because, of course you want to see your boyfriend. 

You were waiting and waiting, which seemed like hours. It was already 2am , he should've been home for hours.  You were almost falling asleep but then suddenly, the door swung open, Luke standing in the doorway. A grin on his face. 'Luke,where were you? I was starting to get worried' you say. 'whatever' he says while walking over to the couch where you sit. You were a little bit hurt he didn't even said hello or something like that. 

You walk over to him and grab his hand. You can smell alcohol, he's been drinking. He looks at you with a dirty look and slaps you in the face. You obviously didn't see that coming. You were hurt. 'Luke, why? Why did you do that?' You say, your hand covering your cheek. 'Just shut up' he says and he pushes you away, walking over to the kitchen. You follow him, waiting for an answer. 'Why?' You repeat. He turns around, looks at you with a dirty look and says 'Listen,Jessica, just shut the fuck up' he says and pushes you away. This time, you fall on the floor. 

You're angry. You're pissed off. And not a little bit. You get up and walk upstairs. You walk over to the room you share with Luke and lock the door. You're so angry at him. You don't care if he's drunk or not, he has no single reason to slap you. He never slapped you before. The sweet and caring boyfriend you had, was gone for a moment and to be honest, you were pretty scared.

You hear footsteps coming closer and closer. Someone knocks on the door. It must be Luke. 'Jessica open the fucking door' he says , still knocking on the door. You ignore him and turn the lights off. Ready to sleep even though you can't. 'Open the fucking door!' he says while raising his voice. 'shut up' you say and turn around.

You hear those footsteps again, but this time they're leaving.


Hi! I don't know if this is really what you wanted it to be and if I should've made an apology part or not? But still, I hope you liked it! x

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