Facebook Sadness

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Here is your imagine! I really hope you think it's good because it was really hard to write this one! Hope you liked it though! 


You open your facebook and see that Luke has posted something on Facebook. Luke was your boyfriend for 2 years. You broke up after a stupid fight. You still regret every little thing you said during that fight. One year later, you still haven't moved on. Yes, you had a couple of boyfriends but it just didn't worked. Although you really want to move on, you just can't. 

You click on his account and look at his posts and pictures. You forbidden yourself to look at his account, it makes you sad. (This can sound kind of sad and so cheesy, sorry.) 

When you thought this feeling couldn't get any worse, you suddenly see a picture of his girlfriend with a giant shiny ring on her finger. 'Luke just asked me to marry him ❤😍' Your jaw dropped and you felt so horrible. You clicked on his pictures and then suddenly,

You saw a picture of Luke and you. You remember where this picture was taking. You were in the studio with Calum,Michael,Ashton and Luke - obviously. Calum took the picture. Both Luke and you were laughing so loud. Michael had told the funniest joke, ever. You felt your tears streaming down your face. You missed this, you missed him more than ever. And as if it couldn't get any worse, it started raining. Rain is something you don't really like. If the weather is not good, you're not happy.

You decided to listen to some fun music and don't think about what you just saw. A fun song with a good beat started playing and you couldn't help yourself but dance. Kind of weird, but it's just such a good song! 

Suddenly, someone knocks on your door. You were scared for a second - you didn't saw that coming. You checked your hair and you walk to the door. When you open the door, you were shocked. 

'Luke?' You ask being very confused. 'Can I come in?' He whispers. 'Sure' You let him in and close the door behin you. 'Luke, you're soaking wet, wait, let me give you some dry clothes. I,uh, I think I still have some of your clothes here.' You say , still a little bit confused. He just nods. You run upstairs and go to your room. You open your closet and take a box with some clothes of Luke in it. He probably forgot them when you broke up. You grab some sweatpants and a tshirt and run downstairs. '

Here' you say and give the clothes to him.'You probably wanted your clothes back,right?' You ask him. 'Not really, I didn't even knew I still had these with you. I'll explain it to you when I am changed.' He says. That was probably the most he said since he came in. 


Luke walks back into the room. He walks over to the couch where you sit. He sits next to you, not looking. 'so, what brought you here?' You say being very curious. Normally, your ex won't come to your house a year after you broke up. Especially not when he has a girlfriend. Oh, fiancé. 

When he looks you in the eyes, you see his eyes are all red. You can see tears in his eyes. 'Luke, what happened?' You say as you see him crying. 

His face came closer and closer and suddenly, you could feel his lips on yours. He quickly kisses you. You're very confused. 'I still love you Jade.' He says. 'B-but, Luke, you have a girlfriend! She's your fiancé!' You blurt out.

'I broke up with her. It wasn't a real ring though. She knew it wasn't real but I told her I should buy her a ring with her. But, the truth is, all this time, I still have feelings for you, Jade. I thought that with another girl, my feelings would go away. But they didn't. Jade, I love you.' He blurts out. Instead of answering, you kiss him. And this time, the kiss is much longer. when you pull away, you can see a huge smile on his face.

'I love you too Luke.'

Luke Hemmings ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now