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Arjun peeped inside the beautiful room where his Princess slept lost in dream world. They were turning 7 that day, and their father had invited the world. Walking to their bed, he watched them with pride and love. They had been making him proud in every sense, or should say he was proud about them. He couldn't hear a single negative word against them. When their teacher complained about their mischief, he blamed it on her for being incompetent, resulting Radhika-Nandini banning him from attending any school meetings.

''Daddy!'' A small whisper from Anusha bought him back from the tour of memory lane. She stared at him with drowsy eyes and a loving smile. Her arms lifted for him , walking to her he lifted her up, ''Happy B'day sweet heart.''

She smiled sweetly hugging him tight. The girl who followed her mother religiously, now was completely a daddy's girl. If he asked something, she would do all to get it done. ''Go, brush and then we will go down.''

As he placed her on the floor, she ran towards the bathroom. He then moved to the other side of bed where Anya slept cocooned in her comforter. He pulled it down to find her legs in place of her head, he shook his head. Anya was exactly like Radhika, she moved like arms of clock while sleeping the night. He tickled her feet, she showed no response. After 2-3 attempts, he lifted her up, ''Wake up baby.''


''Its morning''

''No'' And she dropped her head down on his shoulder. He tickled her again and room echoed with her giggles, ''Happy B'day my naughty girl.''

''I want a gift.''

''tell me what'' He asked floating in love

''No school today.'' Arjun suddenly felt like being baked in a hot tandoor, he knew Radhika will roast him alive if there was another no school day today.

''You should go and show everyone the dress I bought for you. They sing bday song and clap for you. Then afternoon daddy will pick his lovely girls up.'' She watched him for a moment and then gave a peck on his cheek. He let her go after a hug.

Arjun smiled relaising the contrast between his 2 girls, one did all he wanted her to and other one was a master in getting her job done. He smiled, he slowly kept their respective dress on the bed with a card. Smiling he walked out , greeted by Radhika at the door, ''So, you morning finally arrived.'' She asked

He smiled, ''Yes, please get them ready.'' She shook her head walking in. Since the day he met his daughters, his day started and ended with them. He would hear all they had to tell patiently. At night he would sit between them pouring his affection on them, and his mornings too started with them.

After an hour the whole house was on the dinning table for the breakfast. Radhika's family had come down to attend the girls B'day celebration and Ankush had taken up the job to make their favorite cake and desserts. Everyone wished and greeted the little fairies who looked adorable in their bday dresses.

''Come here!'' Rajeev opened his arms, he had seen them growing and shared a teacher cum friend bond with them. The girls loved his stories, which always had a lesson for them

''Who did this?'' Radhika walked in with her 9 months old chubby son. Who squealed looking at his family oblivious that he had Kohl mustache on his face. The girls quickly looked every where but at their mother.

Arjun caressed their head, ''Its okay Radhika, its between brother and sisters. Nandu was even worst.''

''Yes Radhika, I would just steal all his clothes and make him run around in towel.'' Nandini supported

''Nandu, this was our secret.'' Arjun Nandini started their bickering. Radhika huffed, ''try something new to divert my attention next time and you two, this is my last warning. If you use my make up on Rohan, you will be devoid of TV , games for 1 month.'' The shock on the girls face was adorable, ''That's mean mommy.''

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