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''you never told me how bhai and Manya met.'' Radhika asked sipping her tea, joining Sam in the balcony. The girls had gone to meet Nandini and Arjun , Radhika decided to bring some change in Sam's mood.

Sam smiled affectionately , ''They met in Australia, typical bollywood style. Two lonely souls bound by a bond of friendship. A brooding guy and a hot lonely girl, she falls for his simplicity and then make him fall for her.

Radhika gave Sam a flat stare, ''That was really too short. How did they get married and how come your family agreed?''

''That's the interesting part. When Ankush relocated after good 3 yrs, he paid Arjun one instalment to free you off his clutches.''

''What? Bhai paid him, remind me get that money back . The deal was to marry him in exchange of 10 Lakhs, not to return it.''

''Don't interrupt. '' Sam warned and Radhika obliged keeping a finger on her lips. ''So when Akush relocated, Manya followed him here. Mom dad were not happy about her relocating leaving a lucrative offer, but Manya was deep down in love with Ankush. She was ready to leave all for him. '' Radhika made a face on Sam's manner of reciting the story, but decided to stay quite.

''She followed him to Hrishikesh , confessed her heart but he refused stating he took her just as a good friend.''

''Then?'''Now Radhika was curious

''Then what, the Khanna girl decided to win her love. She sat on a strike right outside Mishra house, not caring of cold rain of Sun. The hero had to melt, but before hero Mother in Law melted.''

''WOW! I missed so much fun. And you parents gave their consent?''

''No, they couldn't believe their Australia returned daughter could settle in Hrishikesh. Manya still went ahead with the wedding. She and Ankush together build up a Multi-cuisine Restaurant in Hrishikesh which later got an extension in NCR. Manya too owns a Boutique , a small local label but she will make it big.''

''Have your parents accepted them ?''

''Yes, but she hasn't visited them since the wedding. '' Sam took a deep breath, ''Jai's wife is Ankush's ex and Manya hates her for breaking Ankush's heart.''

Radhika's jaw dropped, ''Bhai had an ex, wow I know nothing. God! My life was so boring and all excitement happened here in my absence.'' Sam chuckled. She shared with Radhika few funny incident s about Manya and Ankush.


''Badi ma, I want that big plant.'' Anya stood opposite to Nandini waiting for her demand to be answered. Nandini smiled at the naughty one, ''Which plant?''

''The big one with red flowers.'' Confused she looked at Rana, ''She is talking about the bougainvillea''

''How will you take that with you?''

''I will fold it, like mommy does with clothes'' Nandini smiled, pulled Anya closer, ''What more you want?'' She looked around and then pointed to the red couch, ''This.''

''How will I stay without you Anya?'' 

Anya thought, her lips pressed in thin line, ''I will fold and keep you in suitcase.'' She replied with a clap

''But you will go leaving us?'' This time Arjun asked

''You are not coming with us daddy?'' That came from Anusha 

''Daddy this not good, daddy should always stay with small kids.'' Anya explained Arjun like a pro

''You want me to come?'' He asked and the girls nodded vigorously. He just smiled pulling them to chest.  The sound of television made the girls turn , Anya jumped, ''I want to be like this, then I will beat all bad boys.'' Arjun face palmed as Nandini broke into laughter, the sports channel was telecasting a WWE fight and now Anya wanted to the muscular guy wearing nothing but a red underwear.

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