Part 2- Chapter 13

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Neil watched as Prerna turned the storeroom upside down to pull out the album she had taken along while stepping out of the house all those years back. Her eyes shined in happiness as her lips stretched into a smile, ''Finally!''

Turning to her son she added, ''Come here! Its time you know your family.'' Neil smiled and sat beside her as Prerna caressed the old cover, ''I had taken this along so that I have them in my bad times. I wish, I would have tried once to reconnect with them.''

''Mom, its fine. We can't go back but we can make a new start.'' Neil rubbed her back. Prerna grinned wide as she flipped open the first page , pointing towards the pictures she narrated the stories behind them.

''So when are we going to meet them?'' He asked

''Do you really want to meet them or you are just playing along thinking about me?'' Prerna was sceptical.

''Mom, I want to. I never had family and cousins like others, now when I finally know of them, I want them to be a part of my life. I am done being lonely. But Radhika and Anya remains to be my favourite.''

''You shouldn't be biased. Once they grow up, Anusha will complain about you being a bad Mamu.''

''Can't help! With Anya it was love at first sight.'' He replied with a straight face earning a light slap. Prerna looked happy and Neil decided to propose the trip so that it helps Prerna in gaining required strength. Also, he too wanted a break from Sam.


Arjun pulled off his neck tie the moment he stepped out of his car on the front porch of the mansion. The day had been long and he had terribly missed his daughters not being able to spend time with them due to tight meeting schedules

He was tired with the daylong presentations and meetings at work and now wanted to freshen up so he could hold his two treasure in his arms. Nandini too had accompanied him but she had to meet Rajiv for coffee giving Arjun a go ahead. As he made his way up the stairs, his heart dropped hearing the continuous wailing of his daughters. 

He took two stairs at a time as he ran towards the nursery. Pushing the door open he moved into the room to find Radhika cradling one in her arms and the other on her lap.

''What's wrong?'' he asked picking the one in her lap

''I don't know. They took their nap, evening Anya turned cranky and later Anusha too joined her.'' Radhika replied rubbing Anusha's back. Arjun bought Anya to face level, she stared back at him with an annoyed frown, he smiled, pecked her forehead as he adjusted her to his shoulder, ''What makes you this angry?''

She replied making small annoyed sounds. Radhika walked up to them, she gently touched Anya's tummy to watch if she reacted

The baby was least concerned, and Radhika knew that all was fine. Taking a sigh of relief she placed Anusha back in the crib, she couldn't take a step away when the baby squealed loudly all angry. Radhika shook her head, ''Fine , I am sorry I was late in taking you two out.'' She had missed the time and forgot to take them out of the nursery to the garden area, a daily routine. Being lonely for long after waking up made the babies all the way more annoyed and Now they didn't wanted to be carried and pampered by the family.

'' babies had to spend evening alone. I am so sorry. Next time, daddy will be early.'' Arjun cooed Anya.

Radhika walked and stood facing him, ''You mean I am not doing the job well. Do you think I left them alone intentionally?''

Arjun blinked, he rolled his tongue to think of something. She looked murderous. When he didn't answer , she took a step making him step back. ''Ah...No. Actually...its me who would daily take them out I was just apologising.'' He replied with a dried throat

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