Chapter 11

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Sam's house was filled with laughter as Radhika started talking. She served everyone, but Arjun. When Sam asked her to offer Arjun too, Radhika thinned her lips making an annoyed face. Sam laughed but pushed her to do the honours. Radhika moved to Arjun with a bowl in her hands.

Arjun was furious, both his plans failed. First Radhika was still in Mumbai and second he had to go wooing Sam all over again. He pretended all busy with the file, but in reality he was mad. He never wanted to be bad in Radhika's eyes. Fate had something else for him.

Radhika approached Arjun and stood near his chair without making a single sound. Arjun's eyes moved to the lean pair of fidgeting feet, he smiled. Slowly his eyes moved   up taking every inch of hers. Her thin waist , her well manicured hands that clutched the bowl rather too tightly. Arjun noticed a beaded bracelet and heavy gold bangle on her right wrist . The pale colour of beads complimented her clean skin. His eyes moved further up and stayed on her heaving chest for a second. She was nervous . Moving it further he took a good look at her lean neck before locking his dark eyes with her brown ones. Arjun's intense eyes made Radhika take a step back; ''Halwa for you''

''I hate sweets'' he replied turning his eyes to the file. ''Having sweets before starting work is a good luck. Plus your it helps sweeten and polish your language'' Neil spat the water, turning around he tried holding his laughter. Arjun noticed that, gritting his teeth his eyes turned to Radhika; ''I am happy with my fowl language''

''Why are you always so grumpy, swollen nose never looked good on anyone '' Zubin cleared his throat to stop Radhika, but she had already shot the arrow. ''Why are you so fake'' Arjun answered with a question. Radhika smiled; ''Am I? I don't think so. I never kept two faces, something somewhere'' Arjun got her hint, she was hinting towards his lie . ''I love being grumpy''

''Try to smile it will help you relax and make your heart happy. Plus you won't get wrinkles'' Radhika turned to leave. ''The day you face reality your smile will vanish and darkness will engulf you. You don't know the power of darkness'' Arjun spat rudely 

''Yes its so powerful that just a spark shoos it away'' Radhika replied all easy. Arjun stood up towering her and banged the file on the table; ''So according to you I am a grumpy foul mouth liar who always stay angry and since I don't have sweets I will have a bad luck''

The audience in the room turned their eyes to from the predator to prey. The small prey was smiling; ''I never said that, but I won't argue if you feel that about yourself. Anyways, you don't want to have so I am taking it back. I think after this conversation I will need more sweet after my dinner'' Neil by now had ducked near the kitchen cabinet, it was hard for him to control his laughter after noticing Arjun's angry face. Radhika sweetly walked back to the kitchen. Arjun kept glaring at her,. Sam turned to wards the kitchen and found Radhika missing ;''Chashni where are you'' Radhika raised her arm to show she was on the floor; ''Neil pulled me to share a joke and now he is just laughing'' . There was some scoffing and coughing in the room, as the 3 present tried controlling their laughter to the max. Sam rubbed Arjun's arm. She too was trying to control her smile; ''It's ok she didn't mean to offend you, her heart is like that of a kid''

''Kids should be taught to behave, I am leaving'' Arjun looked around for his phone, not able to find it he walked back into the bedroom. When he came out Neil was feeding Radhika, there closeness made him burn. Just then Radhika's phone rang, ''Saral'' she chirped running out. Arjun took his leave and walked out. He descended the stairs he watched Radhika smiling and talking over the phone, she kept walking in the front open space, sometimes brushing her fingers on plants and then on the wall. Then she laughed , Arjun's fingers curled. She smiled laughed with everybody , but him. He reduced his pace, taking small steps he moved closer. He had well calculated his time. Just then Radhika turned colliding with him. Her eyes went wide as she gaped at him all surprised. Arjun smiled looking at his reflection in her eyes; ''Can we talk'' Radhika disconnected promising Saral to call back again.

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