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Manya opened her eyes and stretched her body, she frowned when she found her leg almost out of the bed, ''How come  me bed went this small?''  She thought, scratched her head and lifted her sleepy torso up. Blinking her eyes she looked around, this wasn't her house. Shaking her head once she crooked her head , she smiled. There on the bed, next to her was the guy she had fallen in love with. He slept in a attention position with one arm stretched for her to make a pillow. She smiled, placing her chin on his chest she watched his sleeping form. She gave him all the liberty, signs to get close yet he never tried. Even when she slept holding him, all he did was caressed her head and pat her to sleep. Her smile  widen, flattening her cheek on his chest she tighten her arm around his middle. She still wasn't ready to be up or not ready to part from him. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes again. It was fine to be late some day.

Ankush opened his eyes after a minute, he had been up long back but couldn't get up as Manya slept on his arm. He didn't wanted to wake her up. She had been working to hard, her college and then him. She became a support, not leaving him even for a single moment. She motivated him to excel in his work and start his own food joint. She had been drawing business plan for with help of her friends. Ankush knew all this was easy to say then done, but it motivated him enough to do more and good. Manya gave him the emotional support he needed, he stared at her sleeping form. her head on his chest and eyes closed, she looked calm. He smiled,he knew she liked him. But he wasn't sure of his feelings yet, moreover she looked younger than Radhika. Taking a deep breath he moved his eyes towards the ceiling, it was good to maintain the distance, there were better of as friends.


Radhika was getting ready for office, when the message beep took her attention. It was from Sam, 'Can you delay Arjun's arrival at office? I have a meeting with share holders, don't want him here.'

'Done' She punched in the reply and peeped over the balcony, Arjun was still on his morning run. She quickly pulled out a small scissors from her drawer and started cutting off the buttons of of all his ironed formal shirts. She smiled at her winning work, 'Forget late, he wouldn't be in office'   She punched in message sending it to Sam. Quickly wiping the proofs of her crime, she walked out to join Nandini for the breakfast. She had to leave early to avoid getting caught. As she stepped out, she came face to face with her husband. Giving him a royal snub she walked off, he just chuckled.

Arjun decided to shower and join Radhika. he didn't like the fact she would go without him, and a couple of time even Neil picked her, that was beyond his limit of endurance. He moved to the wash room, but then decided to pull the clothes out. He pulled out a light peach shirt and frowned, all the buttons were missing. He quickly checked  the rest and understood, ''Radhika! Up NOW!''

Radhika gulped, her deed was caught. 'How will he prove, just act ignorant and refuse to admit' Advised her mind. Lifting her chin up, she made her way to her room. ''Why are you screaming and how dare you command me.'' She tried to look strong.

He stared at her for a minute, she was such a poor liar. He walked to her and noticed her gulping in nervousness. Grabbing her hand he pulled her with a jerk to his cupboard, "just don't you dare deny this, I know it's your deed.'' 

She knew, lying won't help. Instead she smirked, ''What will do about it?'' 

Arjun raised a brow at her audacity. He moved to the door and locked it, moving to the cupboard he pulled out a box of needles and thread. ''Since you accepted your deed, none of us our stepping out till you rectify it.'' He said pushing the box in her hands. Radhika looked at the locked door, she calculated the distance time and speed needed to escape it. Her mind mocked her, yet it was worth a try. With squeal she ran to the door to escape, but couldn't unlock it. He stood smiling watching her little acts with adoration, she was mischievous, naughty, intelligent cute and equally innocent. 

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