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5 yrs later

''How many times I have told you that fighting is bad, and you punched your classmate.'' Radhika scolded the 4 yr old who stood with a tiny frown on her forehead, ''He teased my friend, you said always protect your friend and now you are scolding me. I am so confused what to do.'' She dramatically threw her arms in the air.

Radhika's brow went up, her 4 yr old daughter  had answers to everything in the world. ''You did the right thing.'' A voice made the little one squeal in happiness as she ran to the arms of the visitor, ''How is my little Anya''

''I missed you Sammy. Mom just scolds me every time, I am so fed up.'' Anya's little drama made Sam laugh aloud. She hugged the little bundle lovingly and handed the box of chocolates, ''This is for you and don't eat all in one go.'' Anya hopped jumped and ran off to her room. Sam came to her full height, taking a step she hugged her best friend , her mate and confidant, ''How are you Chashni.?''

''Good, and how are you?''

''Like before.'' The friends made their way to the couch . Five years they have been thick as thieves. The day she stepped out of Arjun's house she found Sam waiting for her, without any word Sam held her hand promising her the undue support. It was Sam who was there when Radhika delivered Anya, it was her who supported and helped Radhika in her crucial struggling phase. It was Sam who suggested Radhika to let Nandini know about Anya. Later, Nandini helped Radhika shift her base to Singapore and Sam made sure she visited Radhika every 3 months. She worked hard to gain some clients in the land away from home. She had promised Radhika that other than Nandini no one will know of her whereabouts. 

''How is Neil doing?''

''As before, since we married Prerna aunty had not spoken to him once and he blames me for that.'' Sam said with her  eyes on her hands. Radhika lifted her chin up, ''Everything will be fine''

She just shook her head, huffing she smiled wide, ''Leave me, how is your job going.''

''Grate ! Though, not as good as BS. I am enjoying publication industry.'' 

''Sammy, will you stay with us?'' Anya lunged herself on Sam's lap , watching her with expectant eyes. Sam cuddled the little bundle, ''Yes, and today I will sleep in your room.'' Anya threw her arms in excitement. Her eyes met her mother's which still look annoyed, ''Did you finish your homework?''

''My life is spoiled because of school.'' The girl stomped walking off, that bought another round of laughter.

" she deserves to know her father " Sam said. She had been convincing  Radhika since the day Anya's birth, but Radhika couldn't forget the last confession of Arjun. He had confessed marrying her to remove her as the hurdle in his revenge. She couldn't forget his betrayal,  he chose revenge over her.

"Coffee or tea" Radhika asked moving to the kitchen. Sam shook her head, her friend was no Less than Arjun in stubbornness .


Sam watched Radhika as she retreated to the kitchen, taking a deep breath she pulled her phone out. There were no messages from Neil, calls were the thing of past. Their fights have increased by 10 folds in past 3 years, sometimes all seemed to be a mistake. She understood his pain when Prerna decided to cut all ties on breaking up with Soniya and marrying Sam. Initially, things were beautiful. He was sure that his mother would come around, but when things worsen between the mother and son , it tool toll on her relationship. He blamed her for the broken relationship, even then she understood, after all Prerna single handily bought Neil up

Sam huffed and leaned on to the couch more, she had to pay for her understanding and empathizing nature. Her adjusting attitude made her the scrape goat. But her patience gave up when he called her a bad luck, and coming back to him because Arjun rejected her. Last nail came when he reminded her about the favor of saving BS and her parents house. She had now decided to move on, she wasn't the emotional Sam anymore. She couldn't tell Radhika that she had decided to move out Neil's life, house and memories.

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