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Arjun opened his eyes to baby voices around him. He had offered to take a nap on the couch in the hall and Radhika didn't protest. He didn't want to rush things with her .

''Daddy is tired let him sleep.'' He heard Radhika say and then he heard a whisper in his ear, ''Daddy wake up.'' He smiled , it has to be Anya. The girl always followed her head irrespective who said what, just like her mother. Opening an eye he looked at her, she giggled. Grabbing her he pulled her up on to his tummy, she squealed happily , ''Mommy daddy is up, can we play now?''

Radhika just shook her head going back to preparing breakfast, ''Anusha finish your milk.''

''Its Sunday Mommy''


''Its holiday , so no milk.'' Anusha replied giving Radhika her best smile. Arjun's eyes moved from mother to daughter. They had their eyes locked and next moment the milk went down Anusha's throat. ''Good!'' Radhika went back to her work.

''Hitler!'' Arjun whispered under his breath. She gave him a side glance and he gulped. He wasn't looking for any confrontation with her.

''Daddy , take us to park.'' Anusha joined her sister .

''Let me take bath and then we will.'' He pecked them , lifting his stiff body off the couch. He stared at it, making a mental note to replace it that day itself. He quickly got ready, excited to spend his day with his girls. When he came out he found them dressed waiting with a ball, they looked cute in their shorts and t-shirt with pigtails.

''The park is on the other side of the street.'' Radhika informed without looking at him. She extended the sandwich and he finished it like starving man. He was more excited than his daughters, he wanted to spend all his time with them.

Radhika finished her chores and took a long bath to shed the fatigue of travel and sleepless night. She felt bad watching him sleep on that uncomfortable couch, it was small for him. But she didn't offer him her room as she still wanted to look mad, though half of her anger had already melted on the day she first saw him with girls. He loved them and she knew it was true, but her anger wanted to rub him in a wrong way.

She decided to read in her spare time but her mind kept going to her daughters and Arjun. She quickly made her way to the park , her lips stretched into a full smile when she found him challenging the girls to snatch the ball from him. Radhika hated to admit but there was no denying that Arjun bought a positive change in Anusha, a week of interaction had left the little one in all smiles. She watched as Arjun encouraged her to walk without limping, something which had become a habit. Can he make her completely normal? That wasn't a question she asked herself, she knew the answer he could. Only he could make her Anusha do what she couldn't , this is why she feared losing her to him. Though, not related by blood they were a lot alike.

''No, walk straight...'' Arjun helped Anusha , he knew getting a four year old into exercise regime was difficult so he decided to bring it through games. His eyes turned and got locked with the familiar brown ones, he knew she was holding herself just like he was. He decided to take it slow, afterall she was his ultimate dream.

A sudden flash took Arjun by surprise and then there were more camera sounds. He looked around and saw a young guy taking pictures. ''Go to your mom.'' With that he walked to the guy, ''Why are you clicking our pictures.''

''Not yours, the girls . They are so cute.'' That made Arjun frown, the man pulled out a card, ''I am Leo, I own a modelling firm. I have been looking for child models and I approached their mother sometime back, she refused without hearing about the offer. The girls can be famous.''

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