Chapter 21

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Sam threw her body on the bed replaying the events of the day. She felt cheated betrayed  by Arjun. His presence at Bonnie's residence had planted the seeds of doubt in her heart. She was forced to think if she had made a wrong choice placing her heart in the hands of a man like Arjun. Suddenly his mysterious personality which attracted her seemed to be the reason for her worry. She felt irritated unlucky for being rejected ad used by the ones she trusted. She wanted to leave everything and go far. She sat up holding her head in her hands , she thought it would be good if she takes a break . BS had to finalise a location in Lonavala , that made a take a decision. She stuffed few clothes in her bag and message Samrat.

''Where are you going'' Radhika's question interrupted her flow of hands. Sam smiled ''I am going to Lonavala, need a break and I will also have a look at the shoot location'' She tried to reason , but Radhika could see the pain through her force smile. Grabbing her arm she turned Sam around; ''Running isn't a solution. Plus, I won't allow you to go  alone. Its just not safe '' Sam cupped her face; ''I will be fine Chashni, I need his for my sanity . Just do me a favour, I don't want Arjun to reach me. Can you keep him away? Radhika nodded ''Can I accompany you the to bus stop'' Sam agreed, Radhika stuffed her bag with few things. She had 2 plans in mind. First, she would convince Sam to let her come to Lonavala and second, she will some how manage to send Neil with her.  She looked at the direction of changing room and message Neil, briefing him on Sam's plan. Sam walked out dressed in a track pant and a white shirt ; ''Lets go'' 


Neil lay on his stomach watching his and Sam's moments on the wall. He may have promised himself , never to run behind her but he still cared. The message tone attracted his attention and he picked his mobile to check it, reading it he was thoughtful about going on leaving Sam alone. He didn't wanted to be hurt again; ''You know, you should go'' His eyes moved to his mother, who stood next to him; ''Its ok, come what may she always will be your friend. Just remember one thing son, people use you because you let them. All the best'' Prerna left leaving a smiling Neil behind, he understood what his mom said . He stuffed his back pack with necessary things and left for Bus stop.

Radhika kept lecturing Sam on dos and don't of travelling , she would time and again try bribing Sam in taking her along. Sam couldn't help but smile at the innocence of her friend. Radhika loaded Sam with snacks chocolates and water. Time and again she would look around to find if Neil has arrived. Finally she smiled, Neil halted his running steps coming closer to Radhika. His smile expressed the gratitude he had for her. he whispered a small thanks and walked to the bus. Something made his legs stop, he turned to her again. Droping his bag , he walked back and pulled Radhika in a bear hug; ''Stay safe, you are important'' Pecking her forehead he got into the bus. Taking his place next to Sam; ''She called you right'' He nodded, both of them looked back through the window as Radhika waved at them with both hands. Sam leaned on her seat; ''I love her''

''Me too'' Neil's words shocked her, but she ignored. She already had a lot to think on.


Arjun turned mad when Sam's number went unanswered for the 10th time. He felt his hard work going in drain. if he lose her trust he would lose the battle completely. he cursed , how he couldn't understand that Radhika was spying on him. Her innocence was tricking him every time. How much ever he tried, he felt weak whenever she looked at him those beautiful brown eyes.  His eyes went to the clock and he realised it was time for him to leave for work. 

As he moved to the elevator he kept dialling her number filing to get through her. The elevator doors slid opened with a ding sound and Radhika walked in humming happily. She didn't notice Arjun standing in a corner watching her, but he did. Once they reached BS, she stepped out happily. But before she could moving in . Arjun gripped her arm pulling her in a corner, she stared at him wide eyes all shocked ; ''Where is Sam''

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