A Random Thought

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Just a random thought what if Arjun gets to know about his kids after few months of their birth

 A year after Radhika walks out

''What are you thinking Di?'' Sam asked. They had helped Radhika in shifting to Singapore and Nandini was planning to stay back for few months and then Sam had plans to come back.

''Sam, Arjun should know.''

''I agree, but what about Anusha.''

''Sam, you don't understand. Anusha is born with a deformity. She needs a father, and snatching these moments from him is wrong.''

Sam thought, ''but Radhika!''

''He will handle it himself.'' Sam looked from Radhika to Nandini and just shook her head in agreement . Nandini clicked a picture of Radhika playing with her girls and send it to Arjun....

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