Part-2 Chapter-10

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Ankush handed a cup of steaming coffee to the bruised girl he had rescued few hours back, ''You shouldn't be out in such places this late.''

''If you bought me to lecture, I will take your leave. Thanks for the help.'' As she got up, a sharp pain shot her limbs making her collapse. Ankush shook his head , walking to her he extended his hand. She ignored trying to get up on her on her own. Ankush patiently waited for her to get up or ask for help. She finally gave up , with tears in her eyes she extended her hand. Ankush shook his head and picked her petite form in his arms bridal style. He placed her on the bed and handed her coffee back, ''You hate advises.''

''Yes, because that's the only thing I have received all my life. About my choices, careers and even about my plans to visit home. I wanted to break free.''

He smiled, ''That's fine but putting yourself at risk at the cost  of freedom is stupidity. Now, take rest. I will drop you home in morning.'' He got up to move to the hall when her voice froze his legs, ''I am sorry and Thanks for all the help.''

''Sleep tight!'

''I am hungry'' She confessed

He studied her, her expression was child like. Not sure if he would keep her request.  Ankush smiled and walked off without replying. She made a face cursing home for being uncaring. He came back after a minute carrying a tray. Ankush placed a small table on the bed arranging the tray on it.

''You ordered!''

''I cooked. Have it, let me know when you are done.''

''I can't eat so much.'' Though hungry she looked hesitant, worried about his opinion about her.

''That's fine, have as much as you want. I will be out.'' He gave her a smile before walking out. She kept watching the door even after he was out his out of his view. He was so calm, like a river . She acted rude, instead of thanking him she threw fits at him yet he helped her. She stared at the food with a big smile, excited she took a spoon full of rice with the gravy and stuffed into her mouth. There was a blast of flavours and in no time the tray was empty.

Ankush walked back and heard her burp loudly. ''Glad you like the food.'' She blushed having him heard her burp and lowered her eyes, ''Thanks, it tasted like home.''

He nodded. ''What's your name?'' She asked

''Ankush! and you.''

She extended her hand, ''Manya!''


''What's that cake for?'' Nandini asked Arjun who was busy arranging a table

''My girls turned a month old. We are celebrating.'' He replied with a wide grin. Nandini just shook her head walking off. If this was the celebration for 1st month, she could imagine what he would do when they turned 1.

Mala bought a very happy and squealing Anusha, her cast was being removed and now she depicted her happiness all the way more, followed by Radhika carrying Anya. The sound of door bell made Nandini frown, ''You invited someone.''

''Just my best friend and few important friends ''

Arjun welcomed Neil with a hug and Radhika's jaw dropped. She too had invited Sam but latter got stuck in traffic. Radhika eyed the two men suspiciously as they shared a joke. Arjun took Anusha from mala and made a formal introduction, ''Anusha, meet your uncle Neil.''

Neil stared at the little girl, his eyes locked with hers. He stroked her cheek and she squealed Happily, ''being cute should be declared a crime.'' He said taking Anusha from Arjun.

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