Part 2 Chapter-16

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It was time for Prerna and Neil to take leave after 2 weeks stay in Hrishikesh. Neil felt overwhelmed, he had never known family other than his parents. He made friends but gradually all parted. Now, when he found an extended family he couldn't have enough of them. As they were ready to board the cab, he hugged everyone and came last to Riddhima, ''I thought Chashni will always be my favourite but guess I can have 2 in the list.'' She smiled hugging him tight.

''Sahil, say bye to mamu.'' The moment bye word left Riddhima's mouth, Sahil's eyes darted from Neil to his mother. His lips drooped an he started wailing loudly. Neil picked him up, the innocent emotion went deep into his heart, ''Hey little guy, we will meet soon. I will ask your mom to bring you to Mumbai.'' Sahil wailed louder. Neil hugged him , he tried consoling the little boy rubbing his back.  It was an adorable scene to watch little guy clinging to his uncle. For 2 weeks Neil had pampered his nephew like anything, many times he would save Sahil from Riddima's anger. Now Sahil's tears had started turning his eyes wet. Riddhima slowly took Sahil from Neil, ''I will take him in.''

''Don't you dare scold him.'' Neil warned, Riddhima poked her tongue in response. Prerna gave a teary bye to her family with a promise to visit soon. As they drove to the airport, Neil noticed a permanence smile plastered on her face. He smiled, ''You look happy.''

''I am, after years. I always felt guilty about breaking my family's heart but now having them back feels as if I got a part of me back.'' He just smiled, gently squeezing his mother's hand. The rest of the drive was silent as Prerna recalled her moments and Neil stayed lost in Sam's thoughts. Her engagement was in a week and Neil was ready.


Arjun fixed his cuff buttons , ready to leave for work. He stared at his reflection in the mirror. Radhika's words came back to him, he shook his head in disappointment. If she wanted the distance  the he would give her that. He had requested his breakfast in the room and was now ready to leave. 

Arjun locked his room moving to the kids nursery. He smiled hearing their squeals. He knew Radhika had fed and bathed them. He wanted to see them before he left for work, he walked to Anya's crib and lifted her up, ''Good Morning Sunshine!'' The little girl moved her limbs excited to be with her dad, Arjun hugged her, ''I love you sweet heart. Your daddy has made many mistakes, and I am sorry.  I hope you understand that.'' Anya smiled warming his heart. Arjun placed her back in the crib moving to Anusha. He lifted her up, Anusha locked her black eyes with his. Arjun smiled, ''I know you don't like me much but daddy loves you too sweet heart. One day you will know this.'' He pecked her forehead an in return he got one as she tried eating his cheek.

He walked out and made his way down to the exit. He wanted to leave before he crossed path with Radhika. To his luck they came face to face just at the door, he was ready to leave and she was coming back from somewhere. They had their eyes locked for a moment before she walked past him. He huffed and walked towards his car

Radhika got herself busy in the work but her own words kept replaying her head. She regretted using such harsh words as her heart kept reprimanding her for that. She wanted to get rid of the guilt and decided to call Sam.

''What's up Chashni?''

''I fought with Arjun''

''Tell me something new.''

''No, this time it was little too much.'' Radhika briefed Sam about her last interaction with Arjun. Sam heard all of it with patience but with every word she said, her eyes kept on going wide.

''You said that you would prefer a life without him. Are you crazy? Do you even know the meaning of living a life without the one you love. Ask me, I know how does it feel not having Neil in my life.  I am dying every moment, and by the time I get married , I will just be a walking corpse. Radhika, life is too short and love is rare. Arjun loves you, a lot. He might be worst but his love for you is true. And how much more you wan to punish him. His sister died facing a betrayal. Do you think its easy for him to live with that? He must be cursing himself day and night for betraying you. He must be blaming himself for Neelam's death, because he did wrong. '' Sam felt agitated

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