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Radhika walked into the orphanage to take her class...the kids were busy playing ....Radhika clapped once; ''ok all of you sit now'' Radhika took her place as her fingers touched the keys started flowing in the room....even the people working outside that room smiled hearing the melody her fingers created...among all this Radhika was unaware of a presence ....Arjun watched her teaching the kids ....she had her unique way with them....the kids would giggle laugh around her...after the class they dragged her out to play with them ...Arjun stood in corner watching them...she mingled with them as if she was there age....there was something about her spirit that made Arjun want her...guard her..he wanted to know her desperately. He was shrewd and he played his cards well.

Radhika after finishing her hours walked towards the exit...white passing through the corridor she was few men carrying lots of boxes ...curiosity made her way and Radhika peeped in...a man squatting on his feet was  distributing gifts to kids....some pecked his cheek...some hugged him...Radhika smiled; 'what a good man' Radhika's feet she walked across him, she was surprised to see who it was; ''Ashish'' Arjun turned his eyes locking with her...; ''Hi to you...done with your music lesson??''

Radhika; ''you ....all this..''

Arjun smiled but it didn't reach his eyes; ''I have a heart only for even I am one of them''

Radhika lips made a perfect O feeling sorry...Arjun's throat moved looking at the small rose petals ...Radhika took a step forward; ''Sorry I judged are really a nice man''

Arjun; ''Apology??? Only if you accept my friendship''

Radhika smiled one extending her hand; ''friends'' Arjun grabbed it in one go....her small soft palm fitted so well in his large hard one...she started her blabber and Arjun was lost...on his request she walked him to nearby tea shop....they chatted Arjun told her  about him but with filtered details and Radhika spoke all...when she spoke of her fiance Saral..Arjun clutched his jaw hard...Radhika took her leave after exchanging no.s Arjun watched her walking to the auto rickshaw once she was in...he followed her in his car...Radhika hopped on the stairs like a bird walking to the first floor and knocked....she turned looking at the sky which was turning dark due to clouds...just then someone opened the door and Arjun watched her running inside through his tinted glasses....he was about to drive away..when he saw her dancing on the terrace...she was trying to catch the rain drops in her mouth...Arjun forgot to blink...; 'you are not going to marry that fiance of yours.....good he is leaving for a year...its enough for me..I will comeback for make you mine' Arjun drove off...he messaged Bonnie that he will back in Mumbai the next day...he decided to stay in touch with Radhika....little Radhika knew he actually took a new no. only to be in touch with her...


Piyali went through all the resumes...but nothing impressed her , won of the meeting Bonnie mentioned about venture capitalist Arjun Mehra..he was known to have magic to turn business around..his association alone would give Bird Song a boost...she lifted her intercom; ''Bonnie can you arrange a meeting with Arjun at the earliest'' Arjun smiled when Bonnie gave him the news....he wanted them in pain...they escaped 5 years back...he lost 2 people he loved the most...Arjun was adopted by Nandini's parents when they found him lost in the middle of the road...Nandini was all grown and busy in her career...Arjun's arrival completed their family...they gave him so much love that Arjun forgot he was orphan...and then that fateful day arrived.....Arjun had come from London to give them a surprise...he discovered Nandini was in love  with a married man since years. Arjun tried reasoning with her but gave up when she refused to budge....He decided to deal along with his parents...may be she might listen to them.Arjun decorated the house to welcome his parents who had been out of station...Arjun was all ready but instead of his parents he received the news of their death...a fatal accident took them away from him...making him orphan again...Arjun got to know that a girl was driving the car, Samaira Khanna...but she got released because it was just an accident...later he got to know that it was Samrat Samaira's father who left his sister heartbroken...Arjun opened his eyes with lot of hate for Khanna's...; ''Samaira you made me orphan again...I will make sure you and your family rot in hell'' Arjun rubbed his neck, ready to retire for the night...just then his phone buzzed...he smiled was a message from Radhika lately they chatted as friends...and she would send him all childish jokes...Arjun smiled...; ''Amid all the are my light..your smile ...your laughter stays with me all the time..after I finish all this ...I will tell you my heart...convince you to be mine....'' Arjun smiled opening his arms he inhaled the breeze deep...closing his eyes he recalled Radhika's face...her smile her voice...her dance in rain...opening his eyes he was smiling 

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