Chapter 31

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Manya entered the restaurant fidgeting  with her bag.  She wasn't even aware of his name or identity. She only had a wild guess that he was an Indian chef, she rubbed her palms in nervousness. In 2 years it was first time she felt like home. ''Excuse me, I wanted to meet the Indian chef here.''

''We have 3 of them, which one are you looking for.'' The receptionist asked with a trained smile over her lips.

''Can I see all of them.'' Manya replied with a smile. The receptionist raised a brow and then nodded lifting the intercom up. After few minutes 3 men walked out of the kitchen area. Manya scrunched her nose looking at the 2 and then she smiled staring at the rugged looking man walking out. Tall with broad shoulders, two days old subtle gave him a strong menacing look. Her intuition said it was him, She made her way to him immediately, ''Hi, it was you who made vada pav for me a week back'' He nodded with a smile, she grinned wide extending her hand, ''Manya and you are...''

''Ankush, nice meeting you.'' He voice was composed calm and Manya felt a surge of excitement in her blood. Ankush directed her to a nearby by table and she hopped her way to it. Ankush watched her with a frown and then followed shaking his head. 


''Everyone , please give us a minute.'' Samrat clapped once gathering the attention of his staff. ''I have a news for you guys.'' He looked at the curious faces once and then smiled, ''One of the leading cosmetic brand had given us an exclusive contract for 3 years. That means , BS will solely responsible for their advertising strategies.  We hit a jackpot guys.'' The premises broke into big applaud. Samrat lifted his palm to calm them, ''The credit goes to the amazing team of Radhika and Neil. '' The crowd again broke into applaud. ''So we have decided to celebrate, BS will be taking its employees for a 4 day trip to Goa and we leave a day after.'' The employees shrieked in excitement, congratulating the winning team.

Arjun banged his fist on the table, he had done all to make BS lose the assignment then how and when Radhika manged to to get the job done. He watched her through the glass door. People kept congratulating her and then Neil pulled her into a bear hug, holding a little longer than Arjun could take. He pulled open the door harshly walking out, ''I guess getting a project mean you need to put more efforts. If you are done with your little celebration, get back to work.'' He glared at Radhika, who stared back at him with her big brown eyes. As if warning her against something. She raised a brow and challenged him with his smirk, wrapping her arm firmly around Neil's waist. Arjun's eyes followed her movements, somewhere he adored her daring act.

He turned and walked away . Radhika missed the smile he had on his lips. Neil looked at Arjun's retreating form and then at his little friend, who had her hand wrapped around his waist. He was no kid. He read and understood between the lines, ''Don't provoke him''

''I am not, but what can I do if he gets provoked at simple things.'' She replied scratching her nose.

Neil pulled her nose, ''This is for Sam, I know. But you are inviting trouble.'' It was time for Radhika to blink. Neil smiled, ''I am your friend, if you understand my unsaid words, I can see through your silly acts. I know he is hiding something and has a reason. With time all will be out in open, don't put yourself in a mess.''

''Until we push him, he won't budge. He has a Rhino's skin.'' She twisted her lips making Neil chuckle. He pulled both her cheeks, ''Slow and steady wins the race. You are just too fast. Slow down , watch , plan and then act.''

''WOW! I saw a different Neil today'' She exclaimed.

''I may fool around and be friendly even with the rudest of all, but I too can think in a twisted way.'' He replied, his hands pushed into his pockets.

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