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Arjun waited in the hall of a small house in Pune. A middle aged man stepped out looking confused finding Arjun in his house, ''Do we know each other?'' He asked . Arju'sn jaw clenched. He wasn't going to waste time, ''Not directly but we are linked by a person. I am Neelam's biological brother.''

The man paled, ''I don't know any Neelam.''

''You sure did. You adopted her being childless, and then when you got one of your own you started neglecting her. You threw her out when she needed you the most and above all, you are getting your real daughter married to the guy who destroyed my sister's life.'' Arjun was now huffing like an angry bull, he stepped closer, ''You so cared for your own blood that you decided that hers was dirty.''

He turned and took a good look of the house, ''You snatched the chance from me to know her. Someday we could have met. You all killed my sister, she died heartbroken and now I will shatter your life into pieces. You have 6 hours to vacate the house.'' The man had mortgaged his only property for his daughter's wedding and Arjun acquired it for double amount. He was ready to anything to make the people suffer who treated his sister bad. Before leaving he gave the final shock, '' and rest assured that your daughter isn't getting married as I have filed a case of fraud against your would be son-in –law and his family. Technically, all of you are broke. Now celebrate.

''You can't do this. I will approach the law.''

''I can because I am Arjun Mehra and I know the law and its advantages.'' Arjun's smirk wiped of the remaining confidence the man had. Arjun wasn't an unknown name. He was powerful and he used it in his favor. He took a deep breath feeling relived. Getting into the vehicle he asked the driver to take him to the school and then the college where she studied. He wanted to gather all memories of her.

he had to get back before evening as Radhika's parents were leaving and he was scared she might just runaway with them taking his kids along.  Arjun rubbed his forehead, Radhika was the only one who was capable of giving him a heart attack just by her thoughts.


Neil squealed in delight finding Radhika at his door with kids and Mala. He greeted them taking Anya from Radhika, ''Hi my little gappu Singh.'' He said placing a peck on her cheek. The baby mumbled then squealed

''How is Aunty doing now?'' Radhika asked. She had heard about Prerna being hospitalized from Sam and had decided to visit, Mala tagged along as news bought worry on Dilip and Dadaji's faces  .

Neil walked them to Prerna's room busy chatting with Anya who seemed to have accepted all attention he was showering on her. Radhika shook her head, Neil was definitely smitten by Anya. 

''Mom, see who is here to cure you. My Gappu Singh!'' Neil excitedly introduce Anya to his mother. Prerna frowned and then her eyes went wide when Radhika followed in with Mala. Prerna's heart was in her mouth, she was happy yet nervous. Neil introduced Prerna to Anya, ''Meet the Mehra Princess number one.''

Anya stared at the new person and Prerna lost her heart to the most innocent eyes in the world. She looked at Mala with tears, ''Can I see the other one too.'' Mala smiled extending Anusha. Prerna took a deep breath, the kids were angelic. Her eyes brimmed with happy tears realizing they were also a part of her, in a way she too was a grandmother. She watched as Neil lay on her bed with Anya on his chest. She contemplated if she should tell him, she looked at Mala asking a silent question.

Radhika noticed everything and decided to give her mother some private time with Prerna, ''Neil show me what you have be writing in music.'' he jumped off but refused to give Anya.

''What will she do in that music room?'' Prerna asked

''Watch me play the keyboard.'' Neil answered walking out as Radhika followed him with a shake of her head,.Once out she grabbed his arm asking him to stay near the door on the other side. He was confused but obliged 

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