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Second day at BS was no different Zunbin again piled up work for radhika, she asked for the permission to leave early as her Dilip and Dadaji were leaving for home. Zubin asked her to complete the work and leave or she will lose her job. Radhika went back and drowned herself in work...she took no breaks and even skipped her lunch...only once she lifted her head up to look for Neil...but he seemed to be out on a 4 PM Radhika was done with her work...she smiled and informed Zubin asking if she could leave. Zubin was shocked....she was good....even if he wanted to he wouldn't be able to pull out one mistake in her work....then a cunning idea struck him..'She is good...let me make use of it' ''You can leave after completing few assessment reports on 5 more clients...I have mailed you the data. You just have pull out a comparative report...''

Radhika was appalled; ''But you said I could leave after finishing my work...that I am done with...why more''

Zubin; ''I don't own the company...either do it or leave for ever'' Radhika heard kritika's giggle...with a sullen face she went back doing her work. It was already 5:00Pm and Dilip's flight was scheduled at 8:00 PM. Radhika's eyes welled..up

Sam checked the time and walked out of her cabin...she found Zubin kritika gossiping and Radhika working...Zubin quickly moved to Sam inhope of getting some praise for putting Radhika down; ''She wanted to leave early as her dad is leaving for Hrishikesh...I gave her so much work that she won't be able to meet them ''

Sam stared at smirking Zubin and the frantically busy Radhika; ''Radhika leave, work can be done tomorrow'' Radhika gave Sam a tear filled thankful smile before running out..Zubin was shocked Sam turned to him; ''whatever may be the cause never drag the family in one knows its worth more than me'' Zubin stood there dumb found not knowing how to react...but he was Happy tomorrow he can take the credit of the amazing work Radhika did...little did he know that Neil had specifically asked Radhika to keep him informed all what she would be doing....she had marked a BCC to Neil too...which Zubin didn't know .

Radhika tied to get a cab or an auto....but to her bad luck none stop and then suddenly a bike stopped next o her; '' late ''

Radhika took a deep breath; ''My Papa and dadaji are leaving for Hrishikesh...I am late....and not getting a single taxi for airport''

Neil watched her haggard face; ''Hop on...I will be quicker than any of those'' Radhika thought and then took the offer..Neil zoomed his bike on the road..taking short cuts through the lanes and avoiding signals as musch as he could. He brought her to the airport. Just when she ran to departures ,Radhika saw dadaji and Dilip walking inside..her shoulders dropped in disappointment...Neil understood...he pulled her along to the other side where there was no crowd..''Dial your dad ..asking him to look this side'' Radhika did as Neil said...Dadaji and Dilip turned on her side waving at her...Radhika gave them an emotional smile before throwing a kiss at Dadaji....he responded in the same manner...once they left...Neil offered his handkerchief to Radhika; ''you look like a rabbit when you cry''

Radhika sniffed and replied softly; ''thank you''

Neil pulled her nose; ''Come I will drop you home its the way what were you doing in office till 6:00 ...we all leave by 5:00''

Radhika; ''Zubin had assigned mework...he said I can't leave till I am done''

Neil tookher cell and saved his contact in hers; ''Next time anyone calls you...make them talk to me''

Radhika giggled; ''Oh yes I will tell them ...tu jaanta nai mereko...Neil bhai ka haath hai mere sar pe(you don't know whom are you messing with....I have a big name like Neil in my support) ''

Neil laughed and then drove her home. When she was getting down Neil playfully asked; ''So what are your Mumbai dreams...find a dream boy''

Radhika smiled and extended her hand showing her bangle; ''I am engaged and my dream is to live this 1 year to the fullest ''

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